International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Iran gets nuked before anyone of these loser side men get any kind of arm in the game. And once that happens, they all vanish. There's a bigger hammer at play here. And it's not Haram.
It's been totally obvious for ages. Hamas have nothing to bring to the table hence they're hiding in tunnels like vermin allowing the Palestinians to take the brunt. This has been obvious for ages. The IDF will steamroll Rafah now, flatten the cunts and destroy as many of them as possible. This is why a ceasefire has never been on the cards - Hamas can't meet them halfway.

This makes my blood boil and I'm so glad that I'm not in charge of operations in Israel.

I don't know what I'd do.
Israel's Tet Offensive moment. Military achievement against their opponent. They destroyed their image on the world stage. Polite society speaks about Israel in the same tone as Apartheid South Africa now. Netanyahu is going to have to face the music now. He is the leader of the only real democracy in The region and opposition electorate is coming after him.
You can’t go to war with terrorists. You can only go to war with nations which conveniently Israel does not recognize Palestine as a nation.
It’s not really “convenient”. The people of Gaza elected a terrorist org to govern them…….
This is a typical response of an extremist. So when you say Hamas is the most evil, moral less group on earth, what are you basing it on since it’s not numbers?

30 k is unconfirmed because they can’t dig the bodies out the rubble.

Extremist? How so?

I am not the one murdering women, children, elderly etc in cold blood at point blank range. Those are the people you support. Those are the people who willfully started a war with a much stronger foe and now whine and complain things are not going their way.

I was not the one indiscriminately firing thousands of missiles into civilian areas that ultimately ended up even hurting my own people....but again those are the people you support...

I didn't say Hamas 'are the most evil', those are clearly your words, but they are among the worst for sure. They are up there with ISIS, Al Queda, Al Shabaab, etc

So you admit those numbers are unreliable yet you parrot them over and over.
Extremist? How so?

I am not the one murdering women, children, elderly etc in cold blood at point blank range. Those are the people you support. Those are the people who willfully started a war with a much stronger foe and now whine and complain things are not going their way.

I was not the one indiscriminately firing thousands of missiles into civilian areas that ultimately ended up even hurting my own people....but again those are the people you support...

I didn't say Hamas 'are the most evil', those are clearly your words, but they are among the worst for sure. They are up there with ISIS, Al Queda, Al Shabaab, etc

So you admit those numbers are unreliable yet you parrot them over and over.

But you do support a regime that has murdered tens of thousands of women and children.

I also don't get your sentence "Those are the people who willfully started a war with a much stronger foe and now whine and complain things are not going their way."

That seems a weird mischaracterization of people who didn't start a war, and aren't fighting. They're not just moaning, they're being obliterated - for happening to exist in a strip of land where their predecessors happened to elect Hamas.

You know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, call it what it is.

EDIT: Before someone thoughtlessly blames them for not removing Hamas, something Israel has been apparently unable to do while destroying so much of Gaza...

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PA's Pay-for-Slay payout table:


Dershowitz ends up calling Finkelstein Hitler 😂

Dershowitz also defended Jeffrey Epstein in court BTW.

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But you do support a regime that has murdered tens of thousands of women and children.

I also don't get your sentence "Those are the people who willfully started a war with a much stronger foe and now whine and complain things are not going their way."

That seems a weird mischaracterization of people who didn't start a war, and aren't fighting. They're not just moaning, they're being obliterated - for happening to exist in a strip of land where their predecessors happened to elect Hamas.

You know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, call it what it is.

EDIT: Before someone thoughtlessly blames them for not removing Hamas, something Israel has been apparently unable to do while destroying so much of Gaza...

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This will be another fruitless conversation no doubt but I am always game to repeat things for the hundredth time.

Hamas, Palestinian government representatives and military leaders, made plans and then started a war by murdering over a thousand Israeli citizens. Palestinian people have the highest level of support for the 'military wing' of Hamas at almost 90%. These people were jubilant and celebrating after Oct 7th. Majority still think it was a good thing.

I support the elimination of a terrorist entity and as Blyth pointed out to you repeatedly it's a very difficult process and no amount of magical thinking will change that. I don't support the killing of civilians and you know what. However if Hamas uses human shields and hides in tunnels like cockroaches then there will be higher civilian losses.

Hamas are absolutely whining to every Arab and Western ally they can think of to get Israel to stop. Then when Israel does do something remotely civil like withdrawing troops or allowing aid trucks, these morons proclaim victory and mock Israel for being unable to defeat Hamas.

While Israel has made mistakes in this war, which is not in doubt, they have acknowledged their mistakes. Has Hamas or its affiliates acknowledged even a single mistake? Has Hamas even acknowledged a single Hamas death outside of some leader?
This will be another fruitless conversation no doubt but I am always game to repeat things for the hundredth time.

Hamas, Palestinian government representatives and military leaders, made plans and then started a war by murdering over a thousand Israeli citizens. Palestinian people have the highest level of support for the 'military wing' of Hamas at almost 90%. These people were jubilant and celebrating after Oct 7th. Majority still think it was a good thing.

I support the elimination of a terrorist entity and as Blyth pointed out to you repeatedly it's a very difficult process and no amount of magical thinking will change that. I don't support the killing of civilians and you know what. However if Hamas uses human shields and hides in tunnels like cockroaches then there will be higher civilian losses.

Hamas are absolutely whining to every Arab and Western ally they can think of to get Israel to stop. Then when Israel does do something remotely civil like withdrawing troops or allowing aid trucks, these morons proclaim victory and mock Israel for being unable to defeat Hamas.

While Israel has made mistakes in this war, which is not in doubt, they have acknowledged their mistakes. Has Hamas or its affiliates acknowledged even a single mistake? Has Hamas even acknowledged a single Hamas death outside of some leader?

And you can spot where this all falls down, though, right?

Who are 'these people' who celebrated? the whole Gaza population who must be collectively punished? That is not how international law works, and its a very poor effort at excusing what Israel have done.

'But I have a poll showing Hamas have near total support' - people are allowed to feel however they like. They don't deserve to die because of what they support. A logical fallacy that needed to take the place of a valid reason for killing people.

American citizens didn't deserve to die because they launched a 'war on terror' - they were not fair game because they supported Bush - no ISIS member got a free pass to murder a US citizen because of how that individual did or did not feel.

How did you stray so far from basic logic here? Collective punishment is wrong.
You have repeatedly discarded the veracity of claims based on the identity of the publication, even when talking about non political entities. E.g. a random academic journal of social work or Israel’s social security.

Your discarding of their claims based on the source is precisely of what you’re accusing me of doing right now. Why not engage in the actual statistical analysis of Hamas’ fake numbers than mark it off as blatant and false propaganda? Can you appreciate the irony of that position?

It is not an analysis of an organization. It is an analysis of an individual that they cited.

Do you accept this source citing the same analysis?

No I do not accept this "analysis" either. Tablet is a conservative online magazine focused on Jewish news and culture.

You might as well ask ExxonMobil if climate change is a problem. Or Smith & Wesson about gun control.

Why the hell would I believe a source that has a vested interest in one slanted way about a topic? Your incredulity is either deliberatively obtuse or performative. "Why don't you believe these oil companies about climate change? They're telling the truth!"

That's how dumb the question is. They're obviously biased. That's why I don't believe them.

I'd much rather believe the UN, international bodies like HRW, or every international human rights organization.
Quite the level of discourse you’ve resorted to. You’ve turned into quite the speaker….

Lol at “the priority is not Hamas”……that’s your problem.

The idf making mistakes in war is……..war. It happens in every war. Every one. Israel should be taking steps to ensure the probability of mistakes is near 0. But they still have a fighting enemy who doesn’t care about casualties.

Yes, innocent lives are at stake. So is the future of the region. Again, you can’t seem to see past the next day, and you have no answer for what comes next. You want to sweep terrorism to the side, look past hostages, and just sing kumbaya.

Hamas is accountable for starting this war, and keeping hostages, and fighting amongst civilians from civilian spaces and following no rules of war and not surrendering. They are accountable for that, whether you want to accept it or not.

No the IDFs mistakes do not happen in war without intent. Hence why they have killed more journalists then the Nazis did.

People with a decent world view will prioritize stopping the right wing govt.
No I do not accept this "analysis" either. Tablet is a conservative online magazine focused on Jewish news and culture.

You might as well ask Exxon Mobil if climate change is a problem. Or Smith & Wesson about gun control.

Why the hell would I believe a source that has a vested interest in one slanted way about a topic? Your incredulity is either deliberatively obtuse or performative. "Why don't you believe these oil companies about climate change? They're telling the truth!"

That's how dumb the question is. They're obviously biased. That's why I don't believe them.

I'd much rather believe the UN, international bodies like HRW, or every international human rights organization.

Whats crazy is given how stable the casualty numbers have been in recent weeks by the Hamas ministry of health they've clearly been drastically undercounting because they have no way of knowing the real numbers. Like imagine seeing the numbers barely move for a month or two and thinking "damm Hamas must be overcounting!!"