International Iran begins attack on Israel, launching dozens of drones that’ll take hours to arrive

Iran is going to have all their nuclear plants incinerated if they take another baby step forward. Biden’s sleeper cells he let through the border are going to be an issue. Hopefully contained to the liberal cess pools that back his treason…
They have nukes, and some of the most advanced airspace technology known to man. Your garden hoe mafia heroes aren't conquering that. Just be happy that we live in a world where Israel has to play nicer than they'd like to.

If there's any country that I could see use nukes besides the USA it's probably Israel too. That's if they get close to losing though, which they probably won't.
Looks like Iran successfully targeted the Nevatim air base which housed the F-35's responsible for the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

As long as they don't start targeting civilian infrastructure like Israel does, I'm fine with it.
They have nukes, and some of the most advanced airspace technology known to man. Your garden hoe mafia heroes aren't conquering that. Just be happy that we live in a world where Israel has to play nicer than they'd like to.

Nobody is forcing them to play nice. Don't be naive. They have done the maximum of what they could do. They have good technology but they are a small nation stretched on a few miles squared. If not for the West they would get assfucked daily.
Iran and its proxies can easily decimate Israel. It’s the U.S. response they are worried about

Sure then at some point it would trigger the Sampson option.
Nobody is forcing them to play nice. Don't be naive. They have done the maximum of what they could do.
Did you just tell me not to be naive? You know they could bury Gaza if they wanted to, right? Make that 30,000+ deaths look like a walk in the park...
They have good technology but they are a small nation stretched on a few miles squared. If not for the West they would get assfucked daily.
Nice fantasy. They don't need the US to obliterate their enemies. They need an excuse. Got pretty close on October 7th. What you've seen is "Nice Israel", in the wake of a big terrorist attack. You don't want to see "Mean Israel".

Muslims suck at war, bud. For one, they can't get along with each other...which bleeds into #2. They decimate their own people on the reg, so any kind of united front, is gonna look like a medieval army trying to take on a modern superpower. They've blasted themselves into the stone age.
Did you just tell me not to be naive? You know they could bury Gaza if they wanted to, right? Make that 30,000+ deaths look like a walk in the park...

Nice fantasy. They don't need the US to obliterate their enemies. They need an excuse. Got pretty close on October 7th. What you've seen is "Nice Israel", in the wake of a big terrorist attack. You don't want to see "Mean Israel".

Muslims suck at war, bud. For one, they can't get along with each other...which bleeds into #2. They decimate their own people on the reg, so any kind of united front, is gonna look like a medieval army trying to take on a modern superpower. They've blasted themselves into the stone age.

god bless America is the best and most useful expression Israel or any European country can learn. You don't seem to understand the continuation of the scenario with America disappearing from the equation even for a weekend.
god bless America is the best and most useful expression Israel or any European country can learn. You don't seem to understand the continuation of the scenario with America disappearing from the equation even for a weekend.
Their relationship has little to do with Israel's war capabilities. Do you think that if the US just abandoned Israel, that they wouldn't have any military capabilities? Is America running their electricity or something?

They're not Ukraine, bud.
Looks like that.

Doubtful. It was a saturation attack. They try to strike at virtually anything (including bedouin children). I'm not sure Iranians even have intel and technology to precision strike.
lol so much for the element of surprise
I mean... Iran could quite easily have launched the same attack via their proxies instead of doing it themselves, right? So openly doing it themselves must have been mostly a propaganda effort, to placate those saying Iran isn't doing enough? Or are Hizbollah and houthis no longer willing to suffer the consequences?
Scary times. Hopefully it doesn't escalate more so.. but we know how Israel feels about getting attacked..
Did you just tell me not to be naive? You know they could bury Gaza if they wanted to, right? Make that 30,000+ deaths look like a walk in the park...

Nice fantasy. They don't need the US to obliterate their enemies. They need an excuse. Got pretty close on October 7th. What you've seen is "Nice Israel", in the wake of a big terrorist attack. You don't want to see "Mean Israel".

Muslims suck at war, bud. For one, they can't get along with each other...which bleeds into #2. They decimate their own people on the reg, so any kind of united front, is gonna look like a medieval army trying to take on a modern superpower. They've blasted themselves into the stone age.
