Disney is dying


Double Yellow Card
Double Yellow Card
Nov 2, 2018
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Overdramatic clickbait title. Disney is still a behemoth in the entertainment industry. But they lost $151 billion in valuation and there's nothing in the foreseeable future that will turn things around for the mega corporation. Everything is looking like it's all downhill from here on out.

TLDR is Disney used to hire the best of the best and meritocracy propelled the cream of the crop to lead the production of their films. They hired the best screenwriters, the best actors for the job, the best animators, the best editors, and so on.
But not that many years ago, they decided to forego meritocracy and decided to hire based on skin color and the gayness level of the applicants. It's like if the Chicago Bulls in 1996 decided to replace Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, etc... with a random Indonesian, Tibetan and Maltese basketball players.

There's no signs they'll change it back to the way it was and hire the best. So we'll be getting shit movies and shit TV shows from here on out. They can make money off the residual income they get from their Classic Disney movies and their theme parks.

Overdramatic clickbait title. Disney is still a behemoth in the entertainment industry. But they lost $151 billion in valuation and there's nothing in the foreseeable future that will turn things around for the mega corporation. Everything is looking like it's all downhill from here on out.

TLDR is Disney used to hire the best of the best and meritocracy propelled the cream of the crop to lead the production of their films. They hired the best screenwriters, the best actors for the job, the best animators, the best editors, and so on.
But not that many years ago, they decided to forego meritocracy and decided to hire based on skin color and the gayness level of the applicants. It's like if the Chicago Bulls in 1996 decided to replace Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, etc... with a random Indonesian, Tibetan and Maltese basketball players.

Disney is not dying. He's just been cryogenically frozen
Difficult to argue with this sort of robust economic analysis presented in a logical and rational way.

American conservatives must be cleaning up by utilizing one simple trading strategy;:

Step 1: Short the woke companies
Step 2: Collect cash
Difficult to argue with this sort of robust economic analysis presented in a logical and rational way.

American conservatives must be cleaning up by utilizing one simple trading strategy;:

Step 1: Short the woke companies
Step 2: Collect cash

It's the whole world, not just America, that are not watching these new Disney movies.
It's the whole world, not just America, that are not watching these new Disney movies.

I have already put my life savings into shorting this woke company.

Soon I will have an Executive Assistant to manage my Sherdog account

Are gold toilets really a thing? Do truly rich people even shit like normal people? I am going to find out soon

Merit-based hiring at Disney is dead after losing $151 BILLION, and their CEO & Kathleen Kennedy still have their positions and apparently can never be fired under any conditions.

This is like having a childhood friend get every form of cancer and watching them slowly die.
Disney problems have to be compartmentalized in order to fully assess where they are at. Streaming, movies, parks, ESPN, cruise line, DVC, Storybook Communities, etc etc.

What are we talking about? It's not enough to say, "They went woke, and the blue haired gayness is killing the company!" Disney has been gay friendly since the 80s, and no one gave a shit then. No one really gives a shit now either among Disney fans, Disney knows it's a Mecca for the cabal of leftists and their children. There's more than enough of them to keep Disney in business for a long time. Disney's failure on the large scale has been in spreading themselves too thin. At their parks the problem is nickel and diming. They COULD reel back on the wokey stuff and win some fans back, but they know the feeling of exclusivity in their extreme inclusivity keeps their fans militant.

I'm a big Disney fan, pre like 2007ish. I love the parks. Wife and I love going, buy in the last few years we've decided that we'll stay away from the parks for a while.
Disney problems have to be compartmentalized in order to fully assess where they are at. Streaming, movies, parks, ESPN, cruise line, DVC, Storybook Communities, etc etc.

What are we talking about? It's not enough to say, "They went woke, and the blue haired gayness is killing the company!" Disney has been gay friendly since the 80s, and no one gave a shit then. No one really gives a shit now either among Disney fans, Disney knows it's a Mecca for the cabal of leftists and their children. There's more than enough of them to keep Disney in business for a long time. Disney's failure on the large scale has been in spreading themselves too thin. At their parks the problem is nickel and diming. They COULD reel back on the wokey stuff and win some fans back, but they know the feeling of exclusivity in their extreme inclusivity keeps their fans militant.

I'm a big Disney fan, pre like 2007ish. I love the parks. Wife and I love going, buy in the last few years we've decided that we'll stay away from the parks for a while.

That's exactly what happened and that is coming straight from inside sources at Disney. They hired based on other shit besides meritocracy, in front of the camera, and most importantly, behind the camera, which led to shit products.
This was bound to happen, as Walt Disney himself is irreplaceable. In the big picture, Disney the corporation reached its visionary zenith during the 70's, 80's, and 90's, largely due to creative talent, production era and Walt Disney's extensive short-term and long-term planning capacity. He was Ingenius, especially pertaining to presentation, resource sustainability, and technology adaption.

Walt Disney himself was broke and struggled during the first decade while running his fledgling animation company. He was so broke that he ate the same station food (soup and crackers or similar derivative) and wore the same clothes for years. He may have even lost his apartment for a spell. But near the time he was successful enough to focus on the operations and investment of Disney (when he could afford to hire artists to draw the animations) he rapidly became an expert at production and resource management.

Yet, he was much more than a chain-smoking resource management sorcerer. For one, he created an overall presentation motif that appealed to the world (see Khrushchev anecdote), connecting the past and the future to the present with enchanted castles and the like. Lest we forget to mention that he was also a maverick when it came to experimenting with emerging technology. On top of all of this, Disney was a workaholic, programed during his paper delivery and red cross days.

My contention is that Walt Disney is the key to Disney, to this day. He was always a step ahead of everyone. Throwing exorbitant amounts of money at strategic projects or espousing popular politics will not bring back Walt Disney's far-reaching, adaptive, magic.
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americans alpha males thing with out them world will crumble with out them this woke disney would be norm. most people stop watching disney but they do not make big fuss about it
That's exactly what happened and that is coming straight from inside sources at Disney. They hired based on other shit besides meritocracy, in front of the camera, and most importantly, behind the camera, which led to shit products.

Well yeah, there's that. Upper echelon leadership were asked a few months ago what could be done better with the writing, storytelling, and filming. I think someone said they need more Executives giving their opinion. Fucking stupid. To his credit Iger has said recently that the movies have been too focused on messaging and will go back to being focused on entertainment. But Disney's buffer time for change is always 3-5 years behind because things are in production for that long or more. So Igers re-ascension will likely start bearing more fruit in the near future. But, Iger often likes to talk out of both sides of his mouth too. Says things like that, but then makes political statements and stances in the real world that are off-putting (IE all the Reedy Creek and "Don't say gay bill" stuff)

Their hiring and retention practices have both worked for them and against them Encanto and Inside Out are good examples of how it worked for them.

The person that always comes to mind is Kennedy for me in the negative. Totally ruined a franchise they spent billions on. Fans revolted. Disney responded by promoting her and laughing in their faces at every opportunity. Had to make like 4 series to fix the mess she made, and even then it's hard to come back from.
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As long as the Parks are doing well, which they are it will support the rest of the organization. The Parks are Disney's safety net and biggest asset.

Yes, they are creatively bankrupt and churn out nothing but remakes and sequels. Yes, they've ran their biggest properties into the ground in Star Wars and Marvel. Yes, ESPN has been declining since the 90s. But they can always sell off any of it and still be fine because their bread and butter is the Parks. Now if the Parks start to struggle then yeah then you can say they're dying, until then they're fine.
Overdramatic clickbait title. Disney is still a behemoth in the entertainment industry. But they lost $151 billion in valuation and there's nothing in the foreseeable future that will turn things around for the mega corporation. Everything is looking like it's all downhill from here on out.

TLDR is Disney used to hire the best of the best and meritocracy propelled the cream of the crop to lead the production of their films. They hired the best screenwriters, the best actors for the job, the best animators, the best editors, and so on.
But not that many years ago, they decided to forego meritocracy and decided to hire based on skin color and the gayness level of the applicants. It's like if the Chicago Bulls in 1996 decided to replace Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, etc... with a random Indonesian, Tibetan and Maltese basketball players.

There's no signs they'll change it back to the way it was and hire the best. So we'll be getting shit movies and shit TV shows from here on out. They can make money off the residual income they get from their Classic Disney movies and their theme parks.

Go woke, go broke
As long as the Parks are doing well, which they are it will support the rest of the organization. The Parks are Disney's safety net and biggest asset.

Yes, they are creatively bankrupt and churn out nothing but remakes and sequels. Yes, they've ran their biggest properties into the ground in Star Wars and Marvel. Yes, ESPN has been declining since the 90s. But they can always sell off any of it and still be fine because their bread and butter is the Parks. Now if the Parks start to struggle then yeah then you can say they're dying, until then they're fine.

The parks don't account for enough revenue to float the company. Only like 15 to maybe the high 20ish percent of revenue when looking at the parks alone. Disney reports revenue oddly just because of their size. "Experiences" reporting accounts for the parks, which they usually report at 30-40% of revenue. The problem is that the experiences are bundled with their resorts, DCL, and other stuff. When the math plays out, the parks don't bring in a ton of money compared to everything else. Or at least not as much as they are perceived to. You think of Disney, you think of the parks. The parks are a money pit though. Revenue is high, profit is eaten up by maintenance and expansion costs. Unlike their movies, which just churn money for them, even when they are 80 years old.
Asked during Disney's annual shareholder meeting Q&A on April 3 if the company would just provide entertainment and stay out of politics, Iger said Disney's job was to "entertain, first and foremost."

"I've always believed that we have a responsibility to do good in the world, but we know our job is not to advance any kind of agenda," he said on the live-streamed meeting. "For as long as I'm in the job, I'm going to continue to be guided by a sense of decency and respect, and we'll always trust our instincts."

If Iger keep his word he may improve situation, but i've no reason to trust him

But tbh i don't blame Disney alone, as foreigner seems to me whole american entertainment industry (or at least good % of it) seems to pick people based on their weird political beliefs rather than on them being talented and best for the job

Script sucks but tell a message they like
Casting is crap but shows the intention to push a vision
Original source gets ignored, but original source did'nt fit what they want push
People working on it say shit that same more political activist bs rather than comment from professional figure

All shit like that