Crime The killing of Dexter Reed. The new George Floyd? "He was just riding around in his car, and they killed him"

The themes of this story are so similar to the ATF shooting the airport guy

Both people were definitely criminals, and imo wanted to get in a shootout with officers rather than face the music for their crimes. So let me be clear there.

But in both cases, cops were within the letter of the law with the how they started the engagement (banging on door at 6am, pulling car over for not wearing seatbelt and drawing guns immediately from plain clothes cops) but both seem on the overly aggressive end, and give law abdiding people pause that "are we certain that the guy was certain they were police and not other criminals after them? Was that the best way for cops to go after this guy?"

This shooting is very justified, but the tactics that led to it cause unnecessary blur between police and shock troops/other criminal group. Cops better have a better story for why 5 plain clothes officers jumped out with guns drawn for a "seat belt violation", even if the officers were right to return fire in self defense.

Clearly they knew who the guy was, correctly assumed he had another illegal gun on him, and said fuck the 4th amendment we're gonna search his ass because we want to and take him back to jail.

Dont you dare question the means to the end!! Bad guy dead, we shall all rejoice, just comply!
Lol, not sure how many times I have to say that shooting was incredibly stupid in this case. But you asked for evidence to be skeptical of someone stopping you claiming to be police, you're shown it right in front of your face, and you're saying I'm the problem because I guess I'm demonstrating insufficient compliance lol

Citizens dont immediately owe compliance to Cops who arent operating within the parameters of the law themselves. We have Amendments to the constitution and proceeding case law that establishes that. You don't have to speak to them, or assist them in investigating yourself (5th amendment), they cannot merely hold until you do or search your belongings for reasons to without warrant or reasonable suspicion that you are committing a crime (4th Amendment), and you can tell them to f*ck right off (1st Amendment) while armed (2nd Amendment).
How is being pulled over not in the parameter of the law?
You don't think there's a such thing as bullsh*t stops? Lol
no I don’t I think people that are stopped and caught and fined call bullshit cause they’re guilty and mad they got caught.

Holiday weekend cops set up blocks to make sure no one is driving drunk and they catch people with suspended licenses, no registration, drugs or drunk and all of a sudden it’s well the had no reason to stop me, I’ve been victimized.
no I don’t I think people that are stopped and caught and fined call bullshit cause they’re guilty and mad they got caught.

Holiday weekend cops set up blocks to make sure no one is driving drunk and they catch people with suspended licenses, no registration, drugs or drunk and all of a sudden it’s well the had no reason to stop me, I’ve been victimized. you believe there are bullsh*t stops or not? This wording is confusing.
Yeah, I said numerous times that opening fire was stupid. But nah, no break for you if you're just gonna ignore answers to questions you ask. Those phony guys all had lights, gear, and badges.
Maybe now people will understand what that dude in Arkansas was possibly thinking when the ATF showed up at 6am because he was selling guns without an FFL.
no I don’t I think people that are stopped and caught and fined call bullshit cause they’re guilty and mad they got caught.

Holiday weekend cops set up blocks to make sure no one is driving drunk and they catch people with suspended licenses, no registration, drugs or drunk and all of a sudden it’s well the had no reason to stop me, I’ve been victimized.

If you think people don't get harassed at road checks for no reason, then I've got a Baltimore bridge for sale. Half off, good shape. Good deal!
Really glad no cops were killed, and I hope the one who was shot recovers fully. I can't imagine the anxiety police officers must experience knowing that any time they pull someone over it could possibly be some thug piece of shit like Reed who will open fire on them for no reason.
Claims it is the full video... begins with officers trying to yank his door open? 🤔

Gonna have to see more of what escalted this before making a judgement. Perhaps a full video would help?

Uh, the video begins with the officers clearly telling him numerous times to roll down his window.

The problem with your kind is that you only see what you want to see. you believe there are bullsh*t stops or not? This wording is confusing.

Who gives a flying fuck f there are bullshit stops or not? That doesn't give you the right to start shooting at the police.

I can't believe that there are still people making excuses for this criminal. What is wrong with all of you?
Who gives a flying fuck f there are bullshit stops or not? That doesn't give you the right to start shooting at the police.

I can't believe that there are still people making excuses for this criminal What is wrong with you people?

Strawman, doodle-brain.
Uh, the video begins with the officers clearly telling him numerous times to roll down his window.

The problem with your kind is that you only see what you want to see.

Did you watch the video in your OP? The female officers hand is on the door handle and she's telling him to unlock the door lmao. It's literally the first thing in the video 😂
Did you watch the video in your OP? The female officers hand is on the door handle and she's telling him to unlock the door lmao. It's literally the first thing in the video 😂

I have posted several other since then, maybe you should watch them.
Really glad no cops were killed, and I hope the one who was shot recovers fully. I can't imagine the anxiety police officers must experience knowing that any time they pull someone over it could possibly be some thug piece of shit like Reed who will open fire on them for no reason.

Yeah, I can't I imagine what it must be like for those poor multiple Cops with guns who could have something bad happened to them for no reason:
