RBR ***Official*** Sherdog Sanctioned Haney vs Garcia Discussion 4/20 8PM ET DAZN PPV

Was going to pay for this card but the DAZN app fucking sucks and I can’t open it. Looks like I’ll find another *perfectly legal* way to watch.
Any time Ramirez pushes forward Jimenez is lost but he’s to lazy to keep pushing forward
Ramirez needs to catch a second wind.
I would assume Haney wins. He is sorta a gross watch in that he doesn't really push the pace on guys he is clearly better than

Ryan was doing just the most horrendous shoulder roll imaginable in his last fight idk what that was about.

Guess we will see
I think Haney will piece him up so bad he'll likely stop him. Ryan always has a chance with his hair trigger left hook, and Haney has shown that he's susceptible to that shot in the past (ieg., Linares fight), but I wouldn't bet money on the kid to pull it off. Haney is absolutely levels above him in boxing skill.
Some major money to be made on Draftkings if you can guess which round!

Somewhere between RDs 5 & 7 seems tempting
@helax @Kowboy On Sherdog whats your prediction for the main?

Jimenez throws punches kinda weird. Neither of these guys really puts their body into the shots