Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

time stamped for releveant comments. Other countries are savagely mocking the USA over these trials.

lol that is like the dude from Shart Tank’s opinion man. Can’t wait to hear Scott Baio or the dude who played Hercules opinion as well.
They are laughing because a low energy old man who happened to be President is farting and nodding off in court. They need to give Trump some horse meat for breakfast to counter act his Low T.
Wait until they call up the Playboy Model to testify. A 2 pump one night stand with a chick who gets paid to do gang bang videos can be overlooked. But a 6 month to year affair with a chick is not a good look. The only silver lining is after the Playboy Models testimony, Melania can renegotiate her marriage contract. 3rd round of NFT’s loom, plus 2nd edition of the Trump Bible, just to pay for Melania’s new deal.
I think you forgot the "brain dead compulsive liar: after the criminal part. It should read.

"The choice was a criminal brain dead compulsive liar who will incite mockery, or a brain dead compulsive liar who will also incite mockery. There was no winning, but at least one didn't end up in court on multiple felony charges."
No I didn't. I was referring to the mumbling buffoon that gets lost on stage, asks for dead people shakes invisible hands and falls off his bicycle by evidently forgetting to put his feet out, had to withdraw from a presidential campaign for plagiarism, and has an uncle bosey who was allegedly eaten by sea faring cannibals after his plane was shot down.

There's so many more we could get into, but those are just off the top of my head. I can see why you'd apply those same characteristics to Trump though.
WTF are you talking about? Absolutely nobody was going to mock you for electing Hilary.

Whatever your opinion of her, her politics or her morals, she's a run of the mill politician, like everyone has in every country. There was nothing particularly outrageous about her then or now.

The same cannot be said about Trump. The idea of having a fucking reality show host con man as one of your two main candidates for the highest office in the land was in and of itself worthy of mockery.

Actually electing that piece of shit? Dudes!
The last election was between an alleged (at the time) criminal and a braindead moron.
lol yup you defiantly have no idea what you are talking about.
And you definitely have no idea how to spell definitely.

He is defiantly trying to cover for something.

yeah, I defiantly heard a lot about his policy on Ukraine, rainbow people, and January 6th.

she is already a joke in congress, but she defiantly went off the rails during this hearing.

well there defiantly not the party cutting kids dicks off.

Well you defiantly went to college. Only a college educated person could say something this stupid.
No I didn't. I was referring to the mumbling buffoon that gets lost on stage, asks for dead people shakes invisible hands and falls off his bicycle by evidently forgetting to put his feet out, had to withdraw from a presidential campaign for plagiarism, and has an uncle bosey who was allegedly eaten by sea faring cannibals after his plane was shot down.

There's so many more we could get into, but those are just off the top of my head. I can see why you'd apply those same characteristics to Trump though.
I don't feel a need to defend Biden, but let's not pretend like there aren't multiple video of Trump saying and doing stuff just as bad as Biden. If you think Trump is a honest man that doesn't have major issues with lying and saying brain dead shit, I don't know what to tell you.
No I didn't. I was referring to the mumbling buffoon that gets lost on stage, asks for dead people shakes invisible hands and falls off his bicycle by evidently forgetting to put his feet out, had to withdraw from a presidential campaign for plagiarism, and has an uncle bosey who was allegedly eaten by sea faring cannibals after his plane was shot down.

There's so many more we could get into, but those are just off the top of my head. I can see why you'd apply those same characteristics to Trump though.

Trump is a serial liar and adulterer who has been committing fraud so often and for decades he can't even fathom any other way of doing business. He's so comfortable committing fraud to get his way that he's actually embroiled in a felony case as we speak because he just started bribing a hooker for no reason when it turns out losers like you don't even give a shit anyway. Fraud is literally his main character trait and it always has been even before you dimwits decided to became politically conscious in 2016.

His entire entrance into politics was a fraudulent claim about having some proof that Obama wasn't actually American and he still hasn't shared the proof to that claim.

Maybe he lost the proof about Obama not being America under his plans for healthcare, the border, preventing the conflicts around the world, his tax returns and some nuclear secrets. Maybe soon he'll reveal all that's been promised.
I don't feel a need to defend Biden, but let's not pretend like there aren't multiple video of Trump saying and doing stuff just as bad as Biden. If you think Trump is a honest man that doesn't have major issues with lying and saying brain dead shit, I don't know what to tell you.
Oh no, I don't think much of trump either. I think the episode on south park about the election between the giant douche and the shit sandwich summarizes American politics succinctly.
Oh no, I don't think much of trump either. I think the episode on south park about the election between the giant douche and the shit sandwich summarizes American politics succinctly.
Cool so Trump is a brain dead liar that is also facing felony charges for his criminal acts. While Biden is a brain dead liar that isn't facing felony charges. Republicans had their little house investigation blow up in their faces with their key witness being a Russian asset. While Republicans admitted in both of Trump's impeachment trials that he was guilty but they were going to refuse to hold Trump accountable. Let all of that sink in.
The last election was between an alleged (at the time) criminal and a braindead moron.

However much you try to tell yourself otherwise, the truth of the matter is that Biden and Trump are not equivalents on opposite side of the political spectrum, the same way Hilary and Trump were not.

Biden and Clinton are normal politicians. Everyone outside the US sees them as normal politicians. Even the people who despise their political positions see them as perfectly normal, traditional politicians. Not better nor worse than what everyone has in any other democracy.

Donald Trump IS. NOT. NORMAL.

By any conceivably metric you apply to the man he is unsuited to be anywhere near any public office. He is stupid, narcissistic, dishonest, cruel and corrupt to a degree that would be called bad writing in a fictional character.

He has spent the last 4 decades being the byword of narcissistic excess and self-promotion and a laughingstock long before he even entered politics.
trump is going to get elected regardless of these mockery inducing trials.
You mean Trump is going to get those black people at those awkwardly staged spontaneous events and those strategically placed people of colour dotted in behind him at his rallies, along with those AI-generated blacks he loves to pose with, to put in real votes and put him over the top?

Telling you right now it doesn't matter what any straw poll is saying about black support for Trump, when push comes to shove the black numbers he needs ain't giving Trump no love. If the Trump campaign people think black votes can be bought with a mugshot T-shirt and gaudy high-top gold sneakers a rude awakening is coming.
I didnt follow Trump's lawyer Cohen's criminal conviction.

I know he was convicted of a few Trump related crimes and ties to Russia, but wasnt Stormy Daniel's and campaign funding a centre of his controversy?

Anyone know if/how Cohen may coincide with this case?
He was already a criminal. He stole from a charity and ran a scam university. And that's not even everything.
You forgot convicted of money laundering before he ever ran for President. He paid a fine only for that criminal act.
I heard the prosecutor in that case owned a Delorean, went to the future and then came back to commit LAWFARE!