"I'm the Michael Jordan of Commentators" - DC


Blue Belt
Mar 29, 2021
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"I'm not just a professional, I'm the Michael Jordan of Commentators" says DC.
Cruz quips back multiple times - "definitely the Charles Barkley of Commentators."

Cruz is such a snarky little prick. It's a little cringe sometimes, but I have to say I get a kick out of it considering what an eye poking, scale cheating, hot dog brander using, company dickrider DC is. Pretty hilarious as what started it was DC having a creaky voice for a second during the main event Saturday night and Cruz telling him to have a drink and be a professional lol.
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DC and Dom are memey commentators...I like them as athletes and people for the most part , sometimes Dom rubs me off the wrong way but I appreciate him beating that pip squeak dildoshaw.

But yes, they are anything but "professional" or well "versed" on mma. They are good at understanding the sport obviously but they are god awful at articulating whats happening in the moment and their biases bleed through their commentary terribly often.
Dc is not a professional commentator, he is just a fan who gets to watch ufc and talk about it. Joe is above all atm, idc if he fucks up and has some stupid opinions from time to time, he is still the best out of ‘em all.
Rogan has been there since the dark ages when there was not much money or any in it,so I don't mind him being an airhead.
Big up DC! Was a funny commentary combo yesterday - more entertaining than some of the fights.
They were only having some humor and being witty. They just trying to liven it all up, its so flat in UFC Apex with zero atmosphere, its so dull. They could easily do ASMR in it, but decide to have some fun instead to brighten the church graveyard up

Not a fan of Cruz or Cormier though in general. I'd be more than happy if they were off PPVs. But this instance it was wit, not real talk.
It doesn't matter if you get Firas Zahabi, Robin Black, The Weasle, MMA GURU, Mighty Mouse, etc. Someone's always going to criticize their commentating. They're all going to say silly things live on TV. Some are going to focus on this aspect than that aspect, this fighter's gameplan instead of the opponent's, etc. Once they're gone, you can glorify Stann, Goldberg, or whoever you want, you can pretend you can do a better job. You can pretend Joe used to have it but has now lost it, whether due to age, drugs, money, lack of interest, etc. Lower the volume, play music, or listen to the Brazilian broadcast team if it makes you enjoy the spectacle more. As long as the fights are entertaining or gripping, it really doesn't matter. And if the fight is boring as all hell or full of illegal blows, bad ref, or bad judge scoring, it's not going to matter how good the commentators are. That being said, there aren't many former UFC champs who can either do better than DC and Dom or want the job in the first place, and the UFC is putting stock in the fans' assumption that former champs know what they're talking about at the top level of MMA more than 99% of humans.