Would you survive your birthday month?


"Walk home clown!"
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I'm not going near or to Texas

Though leatherface drives according to one of the sequels...

I’ll be 50 next week bring it Penny Wise I take out the original one as well . <blankarage>
Whoever that bitch is in on the bottom left, it looks like one good haymaker could take her out or she could be impossible to defeat, can't tell. What film is that from?

I'm October

I'd treat that nun like a Brazzers feature presentation booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy
You'd do fookin nottin



what their powers?
The powers of a top tier demon:

possess and remote control people and animals
high intelligence, has existed for thousands of years + can read people's thoughts so has great knowledge
can set things on fire (by thought power)

I haven't seen all the films + I might have missed something from the ones I have. Someone might want to chip in to extend this answer.
What in the ungodly FUCK did I just watch?

Why is there a bong hit monster attacking people. What in the motherfucking fuck?

that was from freddy vs jason