Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

Someone google to see if she has banged Ron Jeremy on film, because I aint looking up that shit.

also i cant understand, for a guy as ugly as ron jeremy, he sure seemed to have laid pipe to a whole lotta ho's

he must have a 14 inch cock
Now that Sleepy and Gassy Donny can go to Barron's graduation, what do you think Vegas sets the odds at Trump no showing.
I put it at -225 that Trump no shows. Since Vegas always wins, +175 if he does show.

lol...he's never attended any of his childrens graduation ceremonies before. i doubt he will for this one either. he'll have his excuses loaded while he goes golfing or campaigning.

To the surprise of literally nobody on the entire Earth

the guy who tells whores from the gangbang videos that they remind him of his daughter right before he fucks them would rather be eating hamberders in minnesota than attending one of his childrens graduation ceremonies for the very first time.

what a father.
Election interference... it's hilarious that you even typed those words.

The claim was that Trump used Campaign Funds to pay off Stormy. We just learned that he paid through his personal funds. There is no case here... why is this judge letting this farce continue?

I like how today they took a break and then a half hour after coming back, the judge is lik, “uhhh let’s end here” as stormy was getting torn up on cross lol
I thought there was only 1 for all the trials

You can bump the Trump’s home raided thread. Been posting about these unsealings and motions. People joked it was a nothing burger, yet now the trial is delayed and all the motions will have hearings. Funny that is, in’it?
You can bump the Trump’s home raided thread. Been posting about these unsealings and motions. People joked it was a nothing burger, yet now the trial is delayed and all the motions will have hearings. Funny that is, in’it?

theyre going to have hearings on motions? in a courtroom? and the trial is delayed from its may 17th start date when the devoted christian family man will still be in another trial? shocking.

what would be even more surprising is if this trial even kicks off before the election is over because of trumps pet judge stalling it out. what ever happened to the party of law and order? what ever happened to no president being above the law? last i checked you guys were busy chanting lock her up while reminding us just how serious of a crime it is to mishandle classified information, but i guess that stuff only applies to democrats.
It’s happening now,
Defense decided to put some kind of evidence up on the screen that the Judge was pretty upset about being shown.

The Judge stood up from his chair and told them to “take it down!”..

Defense is going swell
Hmm, what was the evidence? Did you see it or just read about it?

I'd heard on public radio maybe around 2 weeks ago that there would be a chance Ms Daniels would need to prove the affair took place for some reason during her testimony, but haven't heard anything about that aspect since then. Did anyone else hear that (I believe it was Maura Liason (sp) on All Things Considered)?

I hadn't come across these signed statements from her saying it didn't happen and am pretty shocked at the lack of coverage of this reality by NPR affiliates and conservative talk radio and network news radio.

If we take her at her word here that the sex did not happen then it seems clear the NDA was something done to shut her up about the fake story of them copulating, but I really don't know what she purported in court today (as to whether or not it happened) and how that does/doesn't jive with these signed statements. I also don't know the provenance of these signed statements.

Is she claiming both that she did and did not eff Trump? Any clarity offered would be very much appreciated
Hmm, what was the evidence? Did you see it or just read about it?

I'd heard on public radio maybe around 2 weeks ago that there would be a chance Ms Daniels would need to prove the affair took place for some reason during her testimony, but haven't heard anything about that aspect since then. Did anyone else hear that (I believe it was Maura Liason (sp) on All Things Considered)?

Here's what prosecutors have to prove in their hush money case against Trump​

Former President Donald Trump is on trial in Manhattan for his alleged role in a hush money scheme to silence his alleged mistresses before the 2016 election. He faces 34 counts related to “falsifying New York business records in order to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election.”

Prosecutors need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump falsified business records with the intent to commit or conceal another crime, but they don’t have to prove that Trump committed that crime. The prosecution theory is that the second crime could be in violation of federal and state election laws or state tax laws regarding how the reimbursements to Michael Cohen were handled.

Prosecutors are expected to call Stormy Daniels to the stand Tuesday, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN. Daniel was paid $130,000 – the “hush money” payment – to keep her from going public before the 2016 election about her claim that she had an affair with Trump in 2006. The alleged reimbursement payment Trump made to Cohen is at the heart of the charges against the former president

Trump’s attorneys have kept their defense close to the vest, but in court filings they’ve indicated that they plan to attack the credibility of Cohen and Daniels and paint them as liars who are motivated by grudges and money.

as for the rest of that PR damage control letter you've been seeing the chuds do their dance and regurgitate around social media is fruitless and without any merit. it means shit all inside of a courtroom. it is not a notorized statement nor is it any kind of legal document. it's not a sworn statement of any kind, it was just put out there for stormy daniels to run damage control after the secret had got out to the public, and it has no legal standing whatsoever. because of her NDA she had every reason to lie and deny in that PR statement she put out, and judging by her testimony while under oath and penalty of perjury today, it's obvious that shit was all a bunch of poppycock.

she had every reason to lie in that statement she put it, legally binding as well. you're not even going to see this get raised during the trial because its nonsense. if she would have been truthful in that statement way back after she signed the hush money deal and just fessed up, that NDA would be broken and orange cosby would have dragged her ass to court. in fact, i believe he already did after she eventually fessed up to the public and broke the NDA and the courts ordered her to pay that $130,000 back or some shit after she violated the agreement. or something to that extent anyways i dont remember all of the details.

but they don't have to prove the fraudy orange rapist was out there cheating on his wife with porn stars and telling them that they remind him of his daughter right before he fucked them. but obviously there was some kind of reason why those checks got made out. after all, molestini cheetolini ain't gonna give nobody any money for nothing. he doesn't even pay his own lawyers and contractors.
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Hmm, what was the evidence? Did you see it or just read about it?

I'd heard on public radio maybe around 2 weeks ago that there would be a chance Ms Daniels would need to prove the affair took place for some reason during her testimony, but haven't heard anything about that aspect since then. Did anyone else hear that (I believe it was Maura Liason (sp) on All Things Considered)?

I hadn't come across these signed statements from her saying it didn't happen and am pretty shocked at the lack of coverage of this reality by NPR affiliates and conservative talk radio and network news radio.

If we take her at her word here that the sex did not happen then it seems clear the NDA was something done to shut her up about the fake story of them copulating, but I really don't know what she purported in court today (as to whether or not it happened) and how that does/doesn't jive with these signed statements. I also don't know the provenance of these signed statements.

Is she claiming both that she did and did not eff Trump? Any clarity offered would be very much appreciated
Ah, I see she told Anderson Cooper it was a "lie" and signed falsely under duress

Factcheck link:

Signing this definitely seems to do her testimony no favors

little baby boo hoo was having a toddler tantrum during the trial today. right when stormy testified about spanking his ass with a magazine.

This may end up being even more entertaining that I ever could have hoped. The magazine thing is guffaw-worthy :D

Very presidential. That's your tacky orange messiah, @Jacket time <lmao>
I stand with the 6th, too. Why aren’t there cameras in court room? (It’s not about protecting jurors) why can’t anything be said about the judges daughter being a democrat operative? Etc…
Not a godamn thing about gag orders. The fuckery all hinges on one word, “impartial”. The judge has made previous statements in speeches about the judicial latitude to steer evidence and use estoppel to influence a trial.

It should be a legal free for all in the public square. Trust the jury to sort it out..

Why do you guys keep bringing up the judges daughter?
She has absolutely nothing to do with the case.
You're saying this trial is evidence of a double standard, when clearly it is not. You didn't blink when I said this is part of 4,000 trials he's faced in his career. We they all evidence of a double standard? You didn't blink when I mentioned his theft of millions from a charity for children with cancer.

I'm not seeing him called a white supremacist. I'm seeing people point out he's friendly with them, which is undeniable. He and his family have a history of racist property policies going back decades. I don't think he's a white supremacist or even likes them, I think he's an opportunist who only cares if they're good for his political career. I don't think he's racist, I think he's a capitalist who decided black people were bad for his properties. OK, maybe racist, but not a white supremacist. He doesn't think that big, or about anyone not him.

How do you not know about Georgia?

Here are excerpts from the call:

Here's the full unedited call so you can pick through it and tell me the excerpts are out of context:

I think theres obviously a double standard when Trump is involved, yes. I mean, we arent that far removed from the rape trial that you must know was a complete farce. If any woman had stood up and accused a previous president of rape 30 years prior and had no evidence whatsoever other than an accusation, it would have never gone as fas as it did with anyone except Trump. Obama wouldn't have sniffed a courtroom and you know it. The sexual assault allegation against Biden is much more credible, even if you argue that it isnt very credible as a whole, and I dont think anything should happen to Biden about it. I think most people would agree with me that Biden shouldnt be prosecuted. But many of those same people are perfectly fine with Trump being prosecuted for less. This is the kind of double standard Im talking about.

I didnt blink about 4,000 trials because it doesnt surprise me. Im not vouching for the mans character. Im saying people go crazy when its Trump. Look, lets be real. You dont really give a shit about Stormy Daniels and campaign money. You just dont. Several other people in the thread have said as much, even as theyre vocally critical of Trump. The people prosecuting Trump? They dont give a shit about paying off a porn star with campaign money either. Its because its Trump. People hate Trump. I dont necessarily blame people for hating Trump, but it means they theres a certain enjoyment from him getting some kind of comeuppance, even if it isnt actually earned (like the rape case). Or in this case being charged for something that really, truly, nobody gives much of a shit about unless its done by a person they really want to be charged with something.

I think "friendly with" is a bit disingenuous. I dont think he particular cares one way or another if he can make a profit off of somebody. You might argue that makes him "bad" because sometimes he'll deal with people with bad qualities. Id just argue that the only color he sees is green.

I do know about Georgia, thats why I brought up the trial. I thought you were talking about the leaks from last year, which I didnt spend much time looking into. Anyway, Im not going to sit and listen to the whole hour to make a decision about the blurb that we've already heard. Im sure youve talked about it with other people and I dont think the conversation is gonna get any new steam here. I feel like you probably think its a smoking gun that Trump wanted to find 11,000 fake votes or something. Me personally? I think Trump is completely delusional. I dont think he thinks he could fairly lose an election, his ego is far too big. I cant prove to anybody what Trump thinks, but thats my take. I think he really believes there are votes out there that have been kept from him or havent been counted properly. I cant prove any of this, this is just my take.