Dake's Log

Even though I got a small pr on the front squat, I won't be adjusting my training weights. Percentages will still be based off a 100kg max. I'll wait till I've run 3 cycles and see where I'm at first.

Light conditioning:

Had to walk 4.5 miles to get some food shopping. Way back is practically all up hill. I'm counting it.

conditioning session

Moderate intensity intervals:

hill runs

2 mile walk there.

25 hill runs in 18 minutes.

2 mile walk back.

Notes: Around the 11th run I started to alternate between running and jogging up the hill. Running works my lungs but it seems that jogging up it works my legs harder than my lungs lol. I really started to hit the wall around the 21st run. Was tired. Probably started striking the ground hevier because of that which would explain why I now have mild shin splints. Good workout otherwise.

Cycle 1.3 Workout 2

2 mile walk

Pull ups

5 sets 3/3/3/3/3

Bench press 70/80/90% of max

70kg x5
80kg x3
90kg x3

Notes: The plan after these was to do a single with 100, then go for a pr with 107.5. 90 felt hevier than it should of. Probably should have waited a day or two longer.


82.5kg x3
72.5kg x5

Barbell rows

65/75/85% of max

60kg x5
70kg x3
80kg x3


72.5kg x5
62.5kg x7

Pussied out of doing anything else.

2 mile walk home.

Some random shit

2 mile walk

Skipping rope: 3x3 minute rounds

Bodyweight circuit:

Box jumps (24 inches)/dips/chin ups/burpees. 5 reps of each for 15 minutes. Got 20 of each overall. Wasn't exactly rushing.

Heavy bag: 3x3 minute rounds

Face pulls/dragon flags:

fp 3x10

df 2x3 1x2.5

2 mile walk

Notes: First time trying dragon flags. Like em. A lot harder than they look.

Will have to add 1-2 regular runs in somewhere. Some aspects of my cardio feel like they have gone to shit.

2 mile walk

Heavy bag
3x5 minutes rounds

Cycle 1.3 Workout 3

Power cleans 70/80/90% of max

60kg x5
65kg x3
70kg x3

Bane set lol
80kg 2 sets f/1
90kg f

67.5kg x3

62.5kg x5

Push press 65/75/85% of max

47.5kg x5
52.5kg x3
57.5kg x3

Bane set lol
72.5kg x1

55kg x3

50kg x5

2 mile walk

Notes: Good session. Need to stop skipping out the assistance stuff.

Fasted jog
20 minutes

Notes: First normal run I've had in about 5 months I think. I will do these twice a week and slowly build up to 45 minutes.

I've had fuck all sleep.
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Cycle 2 Workout 1

Power snatch
55kg 2 sets 1/1

Front squat/pull up

75kg x5/5/5/5/5
bw x3/4/5/5/3

Good morning/chin up

52.5 x5/5/5/5/8
bw x3/3/4/5/7

Barbell lunge/45 degree decline sit up/weighted back extention

40kg x8/8
bw x5/5
21kg x10/10

2 mile walk
Some notes from yesterday:

Had a 3 hour nap a couple of hours before I got to the gym. Still felt like shit.

The first work set of snatches shouldn't count since I had to press it out. I don't use barbell snatches wth any sort of consistancy so I suck at them. Badly.

During my 4th work set of front squats I suddenly got a lot of muscular soneness in my right leg. It went away shortly after I started to do good mornings. I didn't really warm up properly. Skipped my static strecthing. I know better than that.

Pull ups were done with a monkey grip? Dunno if that's the right name but I had my fingers and thumb over the bar. Works much better for me.

My technique has improved on barbell lunges. I credit that to the walking lunges that I have been doing lately.

The first 3 sets of front squats were supposed to be paused. I was tired. Completely forgot.

Light conditoning/random shit

Bike 25 minutes

Rope stuff 5x3 minute rounds

During the last round I did a criss cross for the first time. I've only tried it a few times previously.

Finished with a little circuit as a finisher

2 sets of

10 burpees
20 kb swings (28kg)
2 trips up and down the gym of kb farmers walk (28kg each hand)

Cycle 2 Workout 2

Pulls ups

bw 6 sets 3/5/5/5/5/6.5

Notes: Used a false grip again. Works better for me. The first set I used one of those angled bars. Switched back to a straight bar after.

Bench press/Barbell row

Bench press
75kg 5 sets 5/5/5/5/8

Notes: First 3 sets were paused. 4th and 5th set I used a false grip. 5th set I left 3-4 reps in the tank.

65kg 5 sets 5/5/5/5/8

Notes: Used a false grip on all sets.

Dips/Chin ups

Dips bw+10kg 3 sets 5/5/3

Chin ups bw 3 sets 3/3/2

Face pulls 2 sets 15/12

Notes: Placed my feet further in front of me during face pulls to increase the resistance.
I can now almost get to parallel with pistols. I don't work on these often. I'm definatly going to be able to do deep pistols soon enough, and at a higher bodyweight than when I first tried them too.

I'm struggling with frog stands. Just need to more practice.


Indoor bike:
25 minutes

Rope work:

4x3 minute rounds

Notes: The indoor bike is so fucking boring. Had to resist the temptation to do sprint intervals just to make it interesting.
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Cycle 2: Workout:

Box jumps 24 inch 5 sets of 3

Power clean
65kg 5 sets 5/5/5/5/7

Push press
50kg 5 sets 5/5/5/5/7

80kg 3 sets of 5

Neutral close grip pull ups
bw 3 sets 2/3/3

100kg 3 sets 10/11/13

Neck harness.
10kg 3 sets 20/20/15
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Fasted jog: 23 minutes

Notes: I had plenty more in me. I've had no sleep. I've have a headache since before 10pm yesterday that was getting worse the longer I ran.
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Rope work

3x3 minutes rounds

Heavy bag

2x5 minute rounds.

Notes: I have either significantly improved my cardio in a relativly short space of time, or I was just having a good day.
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Cycle 2.2: Workout 1:

Front squats: 85kg
5 sets: 3 reps:

Notes: During the second set there was one dodgy rep where my bodyweight sort of shifted to one side on the way down. Corrected that pretty quick. Think I need to do some more unilateral work.

Good mornings: 55kg
5 sets: 3 reps:

Notes: I didn't get any assistance work done. Will have to do it on my upper body day.

My back has been feeling a little tight for a few hours. There's no pain or any restriction in my mobility but I definatly have to pay attention to these kind of things. Have to get on my doctors case as it's been over 2 months and I have yet to hear about my appointment with a physio.

Sleep: 3 hours

Cycle 2.2: Workout 2:

Pull ups/Bench press/Barbell rows:

Pull ups: bw+5kg
5 sets 3/3/3/3/4.5

Bench press: 85kg
5 sets: 3 reps

Rows: 75kg
5 sets: 3 reps

Notes: These were all done as a circuit as I was short on time. Went surprisingly well.

Chin ups/Dips/Face pulls:

Chin ups: bw
3 sets: 3/3/5

Dips: bw
3 sets: 5/5/7

Face pulls/ bw
3 sets: 15/15/12

Notes: Again done as a circuit. Tried using a 15kg plate for dips. Wasn't happening today.

Dumbbell incline bench press/Dumbbell rows/Incline leg raises (30 degrees)

Incline bench: 21kg
3 sets: 10 reps

Rows: 32kg
3 sets: 10 reps

Leg raises: bw
3 sets: 10 reps

Notes: Done in a circuit again. Kept the presses and rows relativley lightish.

Fasted jog

Time: 30:58

Notes: No sleep again, but on the upside it appears that I really have significantly improved my cardio within a relativly short time period, which is weird because it's actually easier now then when I was 10lbs lighter. Only explanation that sounds reasonable is maybe because I'm eating more carbs that there might be more extra glycogen stored up in my blood stream.

Not overthinking this at all am I lol.

Anyway, first 20 minutes felt easy. Started to drag the last 10 but that was to be expected considering the conditions.
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