North Korea calls new movie "The Interview" an "act of war (Sony cancels release)"

The must've missed the movie about the assassination of George Bush...

or they did and told the people that they DID kill him

so much Jimmy Rustling with those dipshits
oh no north koreas gonna take countermeasures and make fun of the usa
its all over. were doomed

They need to watch Team America
This is a dumb article.
1 individual opinion does not represent an entire country.
They made it sound like everyone in the country was personally interviewed and made a press statement.

I wonder how many houses & apartments they knocked on.
This is a dumb article.
1 individual opinion does not represent an entire country.
They made it sound like everyone in the country was personally interviewed and made a press statement.

I wonder how many houses & apartments they knocked on.

In totalitarian states, public opinion has no meaning and polls are pointless. An opinion issued by the state run news counts as North Korea's opinion.
What's the over/under on Franco and Rogen being involved in an "accidental" overdose or car crash :)
Did they say something similar when Team America: World Police came out?

Also, I got a good laugh at "we will take a decisive and merciless countermeasure."
Why do they even make threats anymore. It's like anonymous threatening the government.
Why do they even make threats anymore. It's like anonymous threatening the government.

Yeah. Maybe one day they'll actually do something. Supposedly Kim Jong Un is even crazier than his father. We'll see, I guess.
Yeah. Maybe one day they'll actually do something. Supposedly Kim Jong Un is even crazier than his father. We'll see, I guess.

Crazy in the sense that he is ruthless and wants to stay rich. People like to label these people as crazy in the sense that they would make irrational decisions which isn't true. He is aware that he has one card and that's trying to make a missle and asking for food/aid from the US for back off of it. They do this all the time and it keeps him in power and happy while his citizens rot.
Decisive and Mericiless, Huh?

Come get some, Fatboy.