Ronda Rousey Wants to Be Wonder Woman (Update: Criticizes Female Superheroes)

she is not an actress but Kelly Brook's body is a wonderwoman body



all that examples, and THIS is what we got? REALLY ???



WHY ??!

Gal Gadot is the worst possible wonderwoman. Its like they want to screw the cast at will. Unblievable. Really, can you find a WORST choice to play the role? this looks to me just like the worst possible because she is the skinniest hollywood actress I have ever seen.
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I didn't see the "she thinks" part. I sincerely apologize.

No problem.

I definitely wasn't saying she can do anything, that would be crazy.
The only role I'd cast her in would be as kermits husband in one of the new muppets movie.
It certainly seems appropriate, but I don't know if she has the acting chops to pull it off, and she's blonde. I also question the choice of Gal Gadot. She is very beautiful but she just doesn't have the build or athleticism for Wonder Woman.
Gal Gadot is literally the worst possible choice

You couldnt come up with anything worse
Gadot is probably the skinniest hollywood actress, why in the hell someone would chose her to role an AMAZONIC BUSTY WARRIOR ???!!!! this make no sense at all

EVEN RONDA would be better, he is completely right

Gal Gadot... REALLY ?!

even a brunette Scarlet Johanson could be better



it is because a skinny Scarlet Johanson can be taken seriously that they are willing to go with Gadot.

it is because many loved Jamie Alexander as SIF in Thor and thought she would make a great WW (myself included), even though she is about as thin as Gadot, that I think the producers put aside looking for a beast of a woman to play the role.


gal gabot is such a horrendous choice for wonder woman

if not gina or ronda get somebody in there with some muscle definition who doesn't look like anorexic
as long as they would cast any strong woman in the role instead of a rail thin anorexic it would be fine

hate the Hollywood obsession with skinny and their aversion to female muscle

gina would be great she is already dating superman

Maybe her and I could pick up our bassoons and do a round.