Damo Marino's spindly apendages


nga ariki o nga kahui maunga
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Goals: Strong legs=better kicks and balance, strong pull=better clinch, learn lifts, gain.
How:Bike round trip each day 12kms, 2 lifting sessions per week of dead,squat,ohp, 2 Muay Thai sessions per week, 2 or more bodyweight sessions per week. This log focuses on lifting and bodyweight sessions.
Stats: 190cm, 78kg. 37yo.
End of three months re test all 1rm and measure stats.

Day 1 lift:
Warmup Work
OHP Did not press
S 2*12@20kg 3*8@40kg
DL 1*12@60kg, 1*8@80kg 5*5@100kg

Day 1 bodyweight:
Close grip chin ups (1min rest between sets) 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3,2,1
Dips on chin bar:
5 of 8
Day 20 bodyweight

I did 10 press ups followed by 10 Saigon squats until I reached 200 of each, the only rest I had was moving position
Initially the press ups were difficult as I haven't done any of that kind of press in a while, was I got warm the whole thing was easy as pie

The squats proved that my flexibility is fart, I also cant get down without leaning forward probably more than I should

Day 21 bodyweight

I did some chins: 6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3,2,1,3,2,1,1, I only had 15 sec rest between sets, found it pretty easy and kept strict hanging form with no kip then I did 5*8 dips and a truckload of single dips to chins as the bar I was using was not my usual
Day 42
Did no gi and mma class
Was ok, intro classes so nothing full on
Learned a couple of drills, simple pimple stuff
Maybe an hour and a half in all

Did my chins:7-1,6-1,5-1,4-1,3-1,2&1&1 = 90, about 15 sec reset between sets
Did one long bag round working mainly on straight punches and movement
Back feels quite creaky, might stick with the mat work and body-weight for a couple of days until I adjust
I like the log title. Welcome and good luck with your goals.
Day 23
went to the gym and did a whole lot of rounds on the bag, did a few hundred situps and worked on stretching out my hips. Had terrible cramps in foot but really not unusual.
It's now day 24 and I've officially missed leg day so to speak, I haven't picked up any metal since day 18 which was six days ago, will have to do some serious volume in my next session.
Had the intention of smashing squats today but went to bed and stayed in bed, woke up feeling kitten weak and achy all over, Mrs and bub had a virus, hope it ain't got me, maybe I should try and pin it under some weight......Rousey got KO'ed so happy days
Day 44

Went to gym expecting No Gi class.
Was open mat gi and a few MMA novees sparring.
Need to buy gi as they seem to encourage no gi as a transition to MMA which is not why I'm doing it.

2 Silly pricks had a retarded argument, silly prick 1 was mma, silly prick 2 was MT and had a fan club who were exclaiming loudly how so and so was in Thailand and owee this and owee that lolol.
Seems like there's def some immature irations in this club, getting salty looks too lol, must be coz of the fuck you tattoo on my forehead.
Also seems a bit faction clicky, like some bjj guys no like the MMA guys and the muay thai guys no like MMA etc etc.
Maybe I just turned up on a day when the douche was strong and there were no instructors.

One Black Belt showed up to roll with the half dozen other belts........what a G.C.
He was def no nonsense and had a chimpanzee build.

I made a young buddy from a previous class, we shared our whitebelt philosophy and then

Did some bag then deads:


Bent over db row:
3*[email protected] e arm.

5-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,1 =35 w 5sec rests.
I've also lost weight.....boooo.

Had days 45 and 46 off to hang with my young dude
Knee still feels rubbery, starting to worry a little.

Day 47 today.

Going to No Gi tonight will do Squats after class.
Will use a band around knees to attempt to focus position.
Will report on types and frequency of feels in next post.

Day 47

Did No Gi and intro MMA class.
Have realized I'm probably better off in the next level up.
Will need to change my changing schedule to learn fundamentals.
Current coach has a good method of teaching, next level coaches are also next level fighters.
Timing will be tight as I have a strict work timetable.
Now plan on doing MMA to supplement No Gi until I can afford a Gi then No Gi can supplement Gi.
Back is really creaky during course of the day, knee is also a bit rubbery, I think I've stretched a ligament so will have to wait it out.

The Lols:
Everyone drops nuts when senior instructors are at the school, young cunny wafts need to calm the farm and focus their bollos on being productive
Day 2 bodyweight:
Close grip chin ups (15-45sec rest between sets) 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3, 2,1,2,1,1
Dips on chin bar:
5 of 8 (30-45sec rest between sets)

2nd consecutive day of same regimen, all chins are full ROM, having to explode up toward end of sets, still no kip just arm/ shoulder movement, shoulders are little tense, confident that I can tack on an 8 to the next group of chins or reduce rest period between sets, have taken day 3 off, will lift or bag work on day 4

Previously had the idea of counting sessions as day 1 lift and day 1 bodyweight etc, am now counting days within 90 day period (3months aprox) will attempt 2 of every session type in a 7 day period
Just trying to keep track of days now, this is 26, I haven't had any exercise outside of 1 return trip on my bike to work, I've been having some big sleeps to try get over this shitty little illness, am now starting to get the itch to workout...
Day four lift and chins

Did workout at night, previous workout done in late afternoon with a day off between so body had adequate rest

3*8 squats@40
5*5 squats @60
3*8 deads@60
5*8 deads@80

As soon as the last set of Deads was done also did descending chins, I probable only had a 20-30second rest between 'sets'
Close grip chin ups 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3, 2,1, 3,2,1,2,1

On the first and second set of 6 and 5 I could barely do the last rep, if I do chins like the above after deads again I will reduce the reps
Did three 5 minute rounds on various bags after to warm down arms and back then biked 4.5km home

Squat form is fairly poor, lean too far forward, may do squats with same weight next weight session but use a box
Bag work felt good, all punches felt stronger, three and two punch combinations, no kicking and minimal knees

Shoulders and lower back a little achy on day 5, will go for jog and skip tonight and do some light movement, maybe some fifth limb bridging and air squats, need to squat squat squat SQUAT, did not push so maybe do some press ups

General gym bollox

Nerdy ass hat stood behind me with a sooky look on his face after I did my first warm-up set, came and asked me how many more I had to which I replied lots and lots with big grin, nerdy ass hat asked wrong question, obviously doesn't want to share, nerdy ass hat visibly salty, when young giants in rack next to me finish nerdy ass hat uses their rack, does two sets and keeps peering over at me, try to focus on my shit, nerdy ass hat smirks as he lifts more, ass hat takes phone call after 1 more set, ass hat talks for longer than work.........

Big motherfuckers look me up and down briefly, knowing nod, carry on with what they're doing....

Hellashin sexy Olympic lifter in rack next to me, impressive lifting, wont stop talking, sexyomitor goes down, easily distracted, need to meditate more..........
So I went to the gym on Day 26 at peak hour..
Fuckin' never again.....
The level on the douche richter was so high and all the squat racks were full.
Another guy walked in at the same time as me and let out a sigh lolol.
All the kinds of people I dont like were also there.....as in...there were people there.

As the place was packed I took an old bar outside, there were numbers on the old steel plates which added up to 100, it didn't really feel like 100kg though, more like 100 pounds lolol (45kg).

I used it to practice my dead-lifts: 1 of 14, 3 of 12, 3 of 8 with as little rest as possible
Forearms got a pump lol, was nice to give the back and hips a stretch as well after a weeks lay off.

I also used a little heel lift ramp to do some air squats while I did some loose rounds on the bag, I definitely have some hearty butt-wink at the bottom, not an issue with no weight but would def fuck my back otherwise.
Have read somewhere that goblets will help solve this.
Cant get ass to grass without heel lift as ankle mobility in right foot is Zero.
Verdict is will just have to do more of all after bub goes to bed or before work.
Day five movement and practice squats
3*3min skip 5*3 min bag work focus on teeps at end of hand combo's.
2 rounds rear whip.
Hammys feel tight tight tight.
Got into the rack with a box at knee height and did maybe 6 sets of 12 of just the bar
feel more confident, will go into lift tomorrow knowing set up.

Day 6 lift
Box Squat warm up 3*12 with bar
Box Squat work 5*5 @70
Deadlift warm up 3*10 @60
Deadlift work 5*5 @90
Shoulder width chins 6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3,2,1,3, 2,1,2,1,1
Worked technique on bag 3*3 rounds

Was quite happy, kept form as strict as possible moving with urgency
Need to focus on breathing and drive through heel
Day 27,

Skipped and did several bag rounds

Have been watching a lot of RJJ and domin8er
Practicing positioning my right in front of my shoulder and throwing hard crosses off of angles
Have decided to try and work some more movement into my bag work
Want to try pulling off sankaku-tobi........lolol
Can really power off my right foot
Just as well too because my goofy is plaque


Box Squat 3*8 of 40, 4*5 of 60, 1*3 of 80, 1*8 of 60
Squat 2 *12 of 40,1* 12 of bar

Ankle mobility in LEFT foot is donut, rheumatism is fun fun fun, rubber heel lift def helps

Have more confidence in my squat and am working from a good position, need more tension in abdomen, chest up and spread floor with feets

Took day 7 off, that's two days off in 7.

Day 8 I did my body-weight bar workout, I reduced the rest period between sets to 25 seconds, I failed a couple of sets by 1, still no kip, kept form strict.

Chins feel easier after dead-lifts, bounced off the bottom of a few reps of dips, can go from top of dip slowly through muscle up rom to a chin, will try singles of this at end of dips in next body-weight session.

Shoulder width chins: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3, 2,1, 3,2,1,2,1.
5 sets of 8 dips with 25 second rest between sets.
Day 29

Box squat 1*8*40, 3*8*60, 5*5*70
Squat 2*8*60
Trap bar dead 2*8 w 60 on bar
Dead 2*2*100, 3*1*120

Chins 6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3,2,1
Three rounds on heavy bag to warm down

Squats felt ok, knees are a little achy next day, also hypered my left doing a teep on the heavy bag way outside my range, get a lower box next session then look to removing all together

Tempo on box squats was 2/1/1, safety squat bar looks like the business when I get to the stage where I can move a bit more, for now I need to stay disciplined with my form, try and get the core toit toit toit, inner monologue of cues etc.....etc.....lifting when it's quiet helps, cant stand the white (****y) noise in the room

Singles of deads was fun, used mixed grip, will try and do doubles next session, then also try double overhand grip, Trap bar felt like horseshit, will try and avoid as handles are outside my shoulders and felt full retard

Day 9 I did my body-weight workout again

I changed it slightly and did fewer reps on the chins but completed them all with strict form and no kip:
I also only took a 20 sec rest between sets

3 of 10, 2 of 8

25 sec rest between sets

2 sets of dip descend to chin = 3 dip-descend-3 chin


I'm going work toward getting rid of the smaller numbers in my chins IE the two's and one's and try and get the next routine more like:
I'll try take the same rest period and then increase the higher reps again and get rid of the smaller numbers:
And so on and so forth until I get to 12 as my top end after which I'll have to add weight or increase difficulty

Also, I'm going to increase the reps in my dips, once I get to 12*5 I'll have to increase difficulty
Adding the 'dip to chin' exercise at the end will help with muscle ups, these aren't a strict part of the routine yet
Day 30
Chins 6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3,2,1,3,2,1,2,1,1
Squatting down ass to grass in 10-15 second rest, played with the action at the bottom, knee feels wobbly as a wobbly thing
Dips on chin bar 8*5, did step ups on left in rest, descended slowly as poss

Licka ma ballball
Had day 10 off, day 11 I did some intense bag followed by some Squats and Deadlifts:

2*3min skip w 1min rest=shadow and dynamic stretch
8*3min bag: mostly punch combinations, 30sec rests

Box squat 5*8 of 40kg
Deadlifts 1*10 of 50, 3*8 of 60, 2*5 of 90, 2*1 of 120

Foam roll at home

Can keep up a good pace of hard punching in bag work, cardio possibly increased from daily cycle

Need to squat a bit heavier, todays squats were more a 'warmup for deads

Am confident that i'll work up to singles of 160 and maybe more with deadlifts at some stage
Had 31 off,
Mrs has quit the shitty commercial gym she was at, turned the Garage into an exercise studio, did some dynamic stretching and air squats and press ups and and and and and....
Have been wearing a sleeve on my knee for a few days now, kinda feels fucked, will see what happens when I put weight on it...........
Have been using my grippers more too, hopefully I can hold my deads for doubles on Sunday...
Day 12, felt a bit achy:
Went to the gym with the intention of doing some light movement and did a few easy bag rounds, dynamic stretching of hip flexors between rounds, hips feel quite tight mounting and dismounting bicycle.
Lower back is making a few minor noises, will need to be more disciplined about stretching as I haven't been.
Gym idiot: Novice boxer part of a class insistent on being passive aggressive, making running commentary on everything and making Bruce Lee noises when I kick bag, entire group discuss where they are going to eat after his coach let him know he was paying.......yawn.
Considering boxing class to (light) spar, they have good coaches and I can always learn something new although I imagine there will be a few partners who tell me my stance is too square etc, If I do join will try be a sponge, am not keen on the social aspect as workout times are limited-need to get home to mama and spend quality time with son.

Late night sessions are also very enjoyable, bag area is empty so no distractions, most lifters in late or very early hours are intensely focused which is a good influence.

Today is day 13 will lift after work or when sonny Jim goes to bed, tomorrow is a public holiday as well so I should have adequate rest, can also do body weight workout wherever there's a bar and not miss time with family.

Did day 6 lifts with a few kg added and a few warmup reps removed:

Box Squat warm up 3*8 @40 (half body weight)
Box Squat work 5*5 @70 (87.5%)

My squat was fairly crap, I probably need to squat the above weight for a couple more weeks at least

Dead lift warm up 3*8 @80 (body weight)
Dead lift work 4*5 @100 (125%)
Last set of Dead lifts did 3 then starting losing grip, reset on 4 and 5 slightly then pulled again

I haven't been using my grippers at all for the last two weeks so this will be a contributing factor.....lol

I used a mixed grip for my heavier deads on day 11, double overhand for my deads on day 13
While the mixed grip feels more secure it also makes my arms feel awkward, I'll be using double overhand as often as possible from now on.
I now focus on keeping my shoulders over the bar, flexing my lats back and dragging the bar as close is possible up my leg, past the shin etc.
Need to focus more on the 'pushing the earth away'
My back is bit 'creaky' as well, will have to take my stretching as seriously as possible and stay at my current weight for another week I think, will also have to get to gym when it's dead as I'm too sensitive and there are too many attention seeking ****s.

Gym tard: A dude rocks up as close to my set up as possible and starts flexing, takes his jacket off, looks me up and down and starts playing with his hair, I'm at the end of my deadlift session so feeling kind of like I need to lie down, I grunt slightly at the end of each pull, old mate starts pulling 20's down and grunts when I do.......smirks at me ;) old mate does one set of squats and rips his belt off triumphantly, puts his jacket back on and strides to other side of the room.........good looking teen girl walks up to the box I was using, decides she ain't moving it...ask if she would like help, sez she's okay.....exchange polite smiles..old mate spys her out from the other side of the room, jacket comes back off and furious flexing resumes....young chook doesn't know he exists..exchange polite smiles..limp over to bags to warm down
Day 32

Had a red bull before the gym, hadnt eaten anything signif since about 3pm, went to gym at 9pm, felt fucked halfway through workout, fatigued, fucked, fucktigued

Started 3 rounds floor to ceiling bag/ball.....sloppy sloppy sloppy
Too much sugar and no sweet to the science

Did a couple of double rounds working 1's and 2's with power on the heavy, using slight angles, then 3 single rounds working punch integrity..........lolol

Moved onto box squats which were clumsy, knee feels squishy, core felt like an eggshell

Numbers are as follows
3*5@80 tempo a bit weird, 2-3 down, sat on box then 1 up

Would have been happier if I'd managed 5*[email protected]'s the next lift...lifted more than previous, think tiredness def contributed to rubbery core feeling, and shifting sands in the joints...can't all be good days...

Day 14

Did a body weight workout of sorts, failed miserably, might have something to do with the last one I did was a week ago, wasn't happy but still did some work:
Chins: 7,6,5,4,3,7,6,failed 5 did 4,3,failed 6 did 4,3 - 25 sec rest
Dips on bar: 4*10,2*7 - 30 sec rest
Dips to chin: 3*3 - 30 sec rest
Bike home with my tail between my legs - damn you bar, damn you to hell

It's pissing down in Melbourne today, supposed to be the same tomorrow - might try and find an inside to work out in
Day 33 body weight - direct response to day 32
stretched on swiss ball
12 air squat alternate with 10 pushups until I reached 60 and 50
12 crunches on swiss ball alternate with 10 on floor until I reached 60 and 50
Did this twice, no rest between exercises
stretched back on swiss ball
Day 34 lift
Box Squat:
Deads with double over grip
1*1@110-Failed double
Chins:6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1,4,3,2,1 pronated grip made biceps pump too much

got a bicep pump......
Day 15

Warmed up with
6 of 3*3 dip to chin- 35 sec rest - used to do deadlift ROM

Then did chins with air-squats in 'rest', had heel on elevated surface, focused on holding at the bottom then exploding through heel.
Also focused on putting chin purposefully on top of bar for chins
Chins are in white text, squats are in blue text.


Not difficult but also no fail....yay......also felt very well stretched
Day 36 body weight
Had to do a super quick body weight workout because.....problems
Chins: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 -10 Military press-ups
Chins: 6,5,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1 -20 Military press-ups
Chins: 4,3,2,1 -30 Military press-ups
Day 16

Did 8 rounds on various bags, 2 to 3 min each 45sec to 1 min rest
Focus on 'dutch style' combinations and working off ropes

Heels on plate

Tried to squat with just bar and no heel lift
No movement from left ankle, probably shouldn't have snapped my foot in two 15 years ago....:).......:'(..........oh well,squat with heel lift it is
Day 38

Did maybe 8*2min bag rounds, knee still feels creaky, feels good to throw whips again though

Box Squat


Got a no gi class on Monday, they also have squat racks etc onsite...if all goes well I'll give the current gym a bit of the old see ya later


Day 18
Lift weights
(box) focus on descending slowly and exploding up 2/1/1.
5*5@80 - got interrupted and threw me off, fuck I hate people.

Dead lift
2*1@120 - mixed grip on first, felt easy could have done 2's, did second with double overs and lost grip, need to work on grips.

Did a few chins - 6,5,4,3,5,4,3,2,4,3,2,1.
Warmed down on double end bag, tried to roll my back and let out a few squeaks of 'phhhuuuuuc'!! Also stretched at home after bike.


Will have to do more ancillary work on non lifting days.
Feel my 5*5 squats are easier with a good ramp/warm up-can probably start on 60, go to 80, then 60, then 40.
Probably need more days between lifting days, also enjoying more volume, every lifting expert agrees volume is the path to growth and big = strong.
Bigger breakfasts will be a must, will be waking up earlier to cook for the household.
Day 40
Felt pretty good about my squats on Day 38 , I might try and stay with those numbers for a couple of weeks for walume type lifting.
Have done sweet Fack all in the last two days.
My back is feeling stiff and is super creaky, might start sleeping on the floor/yoga mat.
My knee is also still fairly wobbly, varicose in back of knee are being little swollen shitheads, have been wearing a sleeve which offers some relief.
Hopefully no gi class tonight will have some warm up drills that will help me ease into moving on the mat.

My mood is mud today because........problems
Hopefully my ego stays at the door this arvo
Day 20

Taking more rest days as back is making significant creaking noises and family time is getting more rad, have set up mats, Swiss balls and rollers in garage and will 5th limb and stretch everyday, have been rolling back consistently but it is tight as auld fuckery, not painful, just toit toit toit, especially after bike

Minnie me will be hanging out with his old man tonight so that's two consecutive days off, will try a couple hundred press-ups in as few sets as possible just for a challenge/fun
Day 40 was ok,felt weird doing floor stuff, cool gym, few spazzy training partners, not their fault though everyone starts somewhere.
Day 41 did nada
Day 42 no gi again, will need to chuck some tin afta
Day 49
I haven't squatted in near to two weeks, Jits is going well and have started learning some dynamic movement.
There's open mat at the gym tonight so will do some solo drills, hopefully roll No Go then do a body weight session.
Today is 52
My no gi on 49 went well, rolled with another novice for around 3/4 hour, did some spazzy subs then tried working out of bad positions
Body was achy as shit for the next two days, I've had infected mat burn and one of my varicose is extra pumpy.....little bugger, disappointing that I haven't lifted myself or any iron

No Iron since 44 which is over a week ago, it looked like:

Bent over db row:
3*[email protected] e arm.
5-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,1 =35 w 5sec rests.

And no squats since day 38!!!

Box Squat

So my goal is to now get back to the above over the next fortnight as No Gi classes are limited during the xmas period
I'll do solo BJJ drills to warm up and down
I'll try and do some bodyweight exercises today
Day 54
Did a light skip then three rounds on heavy bag
Did about ten minutes of inverted guard drills
Then dead-lift
3*1@150 felt strong, all double over grip, used belt for first time, stable as fork
5*3 BOR @70
Chins 5*5 w stretch in break

Day 55

Did 45 min No Gi fundamentals class, very low intensity
Chins 5*5 and stretched in break
Last edited:
Day 56 Xmas day, day 57 boxing day, day 58 lazy bastard day
Day 59

Chins 5-1,4-1,3-1,2+1,1 = 35 little to no rest

Dips 8-1 = 36
little to no rest

5 min ride to next station

Chins 5-1 = 15
little to no rest

Pressups 12-1=78

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