50% of the Muslims between the ages of 15-25 are radical and hostile to French society

Well I am sure they would have it so much better in some ME shithole.
You mean like when up to a million Algerians and their country was destroyed during the 50’s? You reap what you sow.
Calm down Adolf haha

Hitler loved Islam.

"The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."
Hitler loved Islam.

"The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."
You may have missed my point I was saying making people illegal was very Hitlerish
The swarms of zombies don't care. They become more progressive with each passing day.

"Who cares? We're all human! You're racist! We're all going to mix!" etc...

I want to believe they're just BOTS on the internet but you see them in videos and I have encountered them in real life. They really don't think. They're capable of doing their jobs but beyond that, their thoughts are programmed.
You mean like when up to a million Algerians and their country was destroyed during the 50’s? You reap what you sow.

Yes that Algeria in the ME.. WHAT?

Reap what you sow? Yeah giving these savages a safe haven when they flee their native shitholes. Provide welfare and education. How dare France.
Yes that Algeria in the ME.. WHAT?

Reap what you sow? Yeah giving these savages a safe haven when they flee their native shitholes. Provide welfare and education. How dare France.
So welfare and education is parallel with the murder of up to a million Algerians ?
You mean like when up to a million Algerians and their country was destroyed during the 50’s? You reap what you sow.

By the same logic Muslims should be made to 'reap what they sow' because of the Umayyad Caliphate or the Ottoman Empire. This line of reasoning, straight from the Islam apologist playbook, is beyond idiotic
50%? So it's not all Muslims.
Trumpets BTFO again
lool stop spreading right wing nonsense.....this forum is becoming cancer with so many alt right wingers

If you read the actual report it's quite good (at least I agreed with it, and the notion of creating local Muslim authority as opposed to importing Saudi Salafism and the like). It's not right-wing propaganda.

I had to look for the relevant section on the "almost 50% of those aged 15-25" with a "a disaffected form of religious affiliation" to find out what it referred to:

But their portrait is not limited to these common features. Rather, it is their diversity and the differences among them that dominate the study. A large group - around 50 % - is on a slow and steady path towards secularisation. This does not however mean that they will stop eating halal food or that they will drastically cut back on their religious practices. Their belief system will allow them to adapt to French society, which will in turn evolve thanks to specific aspects of their religion.

The median 25 %, embodying the traits of religious conservatism, are the focus of the current political and ideological struggle. This struggle is also impacting the last and most problematic group, which represents another 25 % of Muslims in France, and, among them, many low-skilled young people facing high unemployment and living in poorer immigrant areas on the outskirts of large cities. This group is no longer defined by conservatism, but by its appropriation of Islam as a mode of ideological rebellion against the rest of French society. This is evidenced by values and behaviours which go against the norm, resisting the common habitus.

Let us make an attempt to understand the reasons behind this reality. At this stage, we find ourselves facing a complex situation, with many influencing factors, a real lack of understanding from both sides, and questions of identity fuelled by elements both intrinsic and extrinsic to French society.

The transitional crisis of the Arab world, which is rapidly abandoning its traditional system of organisation and is faced with the need to invent a new modernity, has clearly had an impact on French Muslims. The same can be said of the political and geopolitical crises affecting this part of the world. The transformations taking place in Arab societies, with the resulting violence - and Western interventionism -, form an integral part of their everyday lives and give rise to internal conflicts. They are aware that they cannot rely on traditional systems to resolve their everyday issues, and that the assurance represented by their ties to stable traditional societies is now gone. They also perceive their homeland, and their culture, as being taken hostage in a game played out by Western powers, identifying with the victims in the Middle East (Palestine, Iraq, Syria, etc.). A victim mentality is slowly forming in opposition to certain enemies: Americans, Israelis, the West - soon transformed by some radical Islamists into "Crusaders" and "Jews". Anti-Semitism has therefore become a characteristic of this group32, which positions itself both as a victim of hostile powers and the bearer of a solution: Islam. An Islam which offers answers to an identity crisis brought on by the question: "Who am I if I am neither truly French, nor a citizen of my parents' homeland?". An Islam which seeks to break away from their grandparents' religion, and from parents who have kept their heads down throughout their lives, themselves victims of what they condemn (the West, colonisation, even the "Crusaders"). An Islam which is no longer transmitted within the home, but through different political and religious groups (Tariq Ramadan, the Muslim Brotherhood, Tabligh, the Salafists, and even the Islamic State). An Islam that focuses on feelings of victimisation and the need to "hold your head high", even if that means praying on fear, since it also means rising above victimhood.

But external factors cannot in themselves explain this phenomenon: obstacles to integration play a major role. Transitioning from a patriarchal system, based on solidarity between brothers, and in which the position of women (and especially girls) is inferior to that of men (especially boys), to a republican model which promotes female education (girls from immigrant families have far higher rates of success than boys, and also fail far less than boys from immigrant backgrounds), represents a true paradigm shift within families, notably those of Arab origin.

This anthropological shock is taking place while French society is itself facing four transformative crises, which are primarily impacting the children of Muslim immigrants. Firstly, de-industrialisation, which is striking at the heart of the manual workforce. Immigrants from North Africa, Turkey, and to a lesser extent Sub-Saharan Africa, were recruited in order to reconstruct post-war France. They participated in the 32 Dominique Reynié, L’antisémitisme dans l’opinion publique française Nouveaux éclairages, Fondapol, November 2014. A FRENCH ISLAM IS POSSIBLE 31 industrial boom of this flourishing era, and provided a solution to the lack of qualified labourers which "the great migration from rural to urban areas", that Alfred Sauvy often spoke of, could not satisfy. When, at the end of the 1970s, first the iron and steel industry, then coal mines and the car industry, and finally the remaining French industries began to cut production staff on a national scale, immigrant families paid a high price in terms of unemployment, as well as economic and social instability.

Secondly and concomitantly, working-class political structures have slowly been disappearing. The Communist Party is on its way out, trade unions never managed to integrate immigrants and their children, and De Gaulle-era politics left them sidelined (with the exception of the Harkis). By definition, the Church was far removed from their everyday and spiritual lives. Schools, victims of ghettoisation, were not able to offer them a means of upward social mobility. And as for the State, it has failed to provide them with the ideological and material framework to allow them to rise above their initial condition. What remains is Islam.

The rise of Islamism and fundamentalism, a third transformation, is therefore a phenomenon which is not extrinsic to French society. Islamist ideologues created an intellectual and ideological system which allowed them to encroach upon a society the very moment they were given room to do so. Their rise in power is, in some sense, the consequence of the breakdown of a traditional national identity, and not its cause, as many would have us believe. This latter idea would indeed be reassuring: the culprits would be known - in this case the Islamists - and could easily be swept aside.

Finally, this large-scale movement is taking place in the broader context of a French society suspended in a generational power struggle, in which the integration of young people into the labour market, the housing market, and the ideas market, has become remarkably hard for everyone involved, including university graduates, many of whom are leaving France. Those left behind must suffer the scourge of endless internships and unstable forms of employment. Within this context, the position of young people from immigrant backgrounds is extremely difficult, since they endure added forms of discrimination, the intensity of which has now been concretely measured33. The result is what the INED and INSEE call a "denial of Frenchness", felt by 40 % of immigrants' children.

It would be a grave error to ignore these causes intrinsic to French society. The rise of religious fundamentalism represents a failure on all of our part, and is not merely "their problem". To ignore what this says about the fate of the French youth, about the functioning and barriers of our society, would be to turn a blind eye to an obvious and disturbing reality. And finally, to believe that the problem can be resolved simply by denouncing religious symbols is to misunderstand the scope of this rebellion. By condemning it, we reinforce it, since these symbols are markers of identity. Evidently, the more we attack such identity markers, the more we strengthen the expression of this identity.
Relevant thread by JDragon:
A journalist visited Mosques to gain insight into Muslims' everyday life.
He avoided Mosques that had a reputation for being too extreme or hostile, yet he came to the conclusion that Mosques in Germany are often more radical than those in Syria and that many of the regulars there are children/young fellas.
you left out the conclusions of the study

that's much worse than the statistics you provided. (if it were implemented) they want to have a Grand Imam in France. why did you leave that out, just curious?

Why is that worse? They want to localise the funding and leadership of French Islam as opposed to the current situation where it (both the leadership and funding) is largely imported. Which is also a large source of the Salafist/Islamist and hardline conservative tendencies.
Why is that worse? They want to localise the funding and leadership of French Islam as opposed to the current situation where it (both the leadership and funding) is largely imported. Which is also a large source of the Salafist/Islamist and hardline conservative tendencies.
yeah i'm not sure anymore. i can see your point and theirs, but i guess i had a bad reaction to the term 'grand imam'. i'm not sure how the whole plan would work out though.
lool stop spreading right wing nonsense.....this forum is becoming cancer with so many alt right wingers

This is why liberalism is starting to lose. Why it needs to. So sad, really.
By the same logic Muslims should be made to 'reap what they sow' because of the Umayyad Caliphate or the Ottoman Empire. This line of reasoning, straight from the Islam apologist playbook, is beyond idiotic
What those caliphates have done is no way near parallel than the atrocities of the west. What you’re saying is you can do it but others can’t.
Relevant thread by JDragon:
A journalist visited Mosques to gain insight into Muslims' everyday life.
He avoided Mosques that had a reputation for being too extreme or hostile, yet he came to the conclusion that Mosques in Germany are often more radical than those in Syria and that many of the regulars there are children/young fellas.

Here in the UK Channel 4 aired an investigative program called 'Undercover Mosque' where they secretly filmed inside UK Mosques. And similar to this in Germany, they chose some of Britain's most popular, mainstream Mosques and ones that have been praised and received government awards and funding for their community work.

But what they found was far from a message of peace, tolerance and coexistence being preached in these places.

You can watch the full documentary here

You think todays radicalized youth give one flying fuck about what happened 70 years ago? Lol.
These forums are ramp with what the Muslims have done hundreds of years ago. Of course the Muslims care. Very ignorant statement.

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