Chicago: Female Lawyers Can’t Meet Meet Clients b/c of C@wk Exposure

He's stereotyping all lawyers and painting them with a broad brush.

So disgusted at the anti-lawyer bigotry ITT

Lawyers, like Politicians, are one of the few groups of people it's socially acceptable to be bigoted against;)
Lawyers, like Politicians, are one of the few groups of people it's socially acceptable to be bigoted against;)
I know but I can tell you I'd rather run into a lawyer on the streets than a cop. One of them kills far more citizens than the other yet have the gall to talk shit about the other ITT.
How’d you like to work through four years of college and three years of law school just to have some degenerate low life whip out his Johnson and dangle it in your face?
I think that is pretty bad but I still don't feel sorry for Hillary Clinton.