Avatar's ??


The Porkchop Express
Feb 8, 2017
Reaction score
What's the problem with Avatars at the moment cant get mine to show.

I'm like Darren Till running around Poland out here, fucking naked !

Any ETA ?
These are the only 2 avatars that work at the moment.


Oh shit, that’s the pre-cursor of the ban hammer!

You fucked up, brah.

Yeah, right now it seems like any avatar change causes them to glitch. We're waiting for a full site Admin to look into it, as those of us on the forum level can't perform any that changes the sites code.
glad someone already made a thread about this now i dont have to.
Apologies all around, guys, for any inconvenience until the matter is resolved.
Apologies all around, guys, for any inconvenience until the matter is resolved.
When the problem is resolved, can someone reset my avatar so it can accept gif's?
When the problem is resolved, can someone reset my avatar so it can accept gif's?

Follow the 'Stnd' hyperlink from my sig and tag me there upon resolution. We'll unearth your Mona Lisa.
I blame The Warroom...
Oh okay. I came here to make a thread to ask. Thought it was just me because I was seeing everyone else’s. But now I see in this thread I’m not the only one.

Follow the 'Stnd' hyperlink from my sig and tag me there upon resolution. We'll unearth your Mona Lisa.
I'm a Adobe Creative Suite Pro. I know how to make GIF avatars.

One of the Admins blocked MY ability to post GIFs as avatars. I posted something that was within the rules, but not to his persona liking. sigh.
Glad it's not just me.

Apart from the Avatar glitch, there's an annoying thing that happens when you're looking at a list of Threads; you see your name in red across the title of Threads you posted in.