Billy Mitchell under fire - UPDATE: Denies all allegations, says info is coming to clear his name



First off, if you haven't seen King of Kong, go watch it. Just stop what you're doing and go watch it, like, right now. It's one of the most entertaining documentaries ever made.

Now for those who HAVE seen King of Kong, then you know who the fuck Billy Mitchell is. Well, several media outlets are reporting that he may have used an emulator to achieve his highest scores--this is expressly forbidden, you have to use an original, unaltered game board--and some influential sites have already pulled down any scores that weren't achieved in public.

According to the AV Club:

A scandal has rocked the very niche (but very intense) world of competitive arcade gaming today, as hot sauce magnate Billy Mitchell—the big-haired, smiling “heel” of Seth Gordon’s 2007 documentary hit The King Of Kong—has had several of his records on the Nintendo classic Donkey Kong called into question. As reported by VentureBeat, the decision comes after an unsurprisingly in-depth analysis of the videos Mitchell used to secure some of his most recent high scores, and which were reportedly determined to have been played not on an original Donkey Kongcabinet, as he claimed, but on the computer emulation program MAME.

The discovery has sparked rumors that Twin Galaxies, the self-appointed record hall for big numbers in old games, would be stripping away all of Mitchell’s scores that couldn’t be confirmed to have been played in public. The organization issued a statement today, stating that the evidence against Mitchell—which first showed up on the Donkey Kong Forum, which has already scrubbed his records—is still under review, and that it has yet to reach a decision at this time.

Here's a good video that goes in-depth on the story:

And for anyone who doesn't know what the fuck we're talking about, here's the King of Kong trailer:

UPDATE: Mitchell's Response:

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Oh hey there, Reddit. I feel like I read this same thread a couple days ago.
Holy shit!!! This will make the 1919 world series fix seem like peanuts.

This is HUGE!!!

You will remember this day of infamy friends.
Holy shit!!! This will make the 1919 world series fix seem like peanuts.

This is HUGE!!!

You will remember this day of infamy friends.

Bruh, this is serious business.

I don't think I like your attitude.
"I always got top score. And my initials were always the same. Can you guess what they were? Here's a hint."


*points at tie*


Not only does he look like a villain from the 80s, and run a hot sauce company like one -- in his spare time he jobs for 80s era one-liners.
I don't want to believe it.
everyone involved in this world of ancient video game details make pro wrestling fanatics seem sane in comparison
He is still pretty good

The thing people are pissed about is that he used MAME and refuses to admit it
This guy tho is a real piece of shit

I read about this yesterday.

Dude, I haven't even heard of Dragster. It's amazing to me that anyone even gives enough of a shit about a game like that to bother lying about it.

I mean, c'mon bruh, that Dragster street cred must be SWEET and I just don't realize it.
It is now being reported that the long time Duck Hunt record holder has been disqualified. It turns out that he used a real gun, not the gun controller, and just blasted his television to pieces and then declared himself champion.
First off, if you haven't seen King of Kong, go watch it. Just stop what you're doing and go watch it, like, right now. It's one of the most entertaining documentaries ever made.

Now for those who HAVE seen King of Kong, then you know who the fuck Billy Mitchell is. Well, several media outlets are reporting that he may have used an emulator to achieve his highest scores--this is expressly forbidden, you have to use an original, unaltered game board--and some influential sites have already pulled down any scores that weren't achieved in public.

According to the AV Club:

Here's a good video that goes in-depth on the story:

And for anyone who doesn't know what the fuck we're talking about, here's the King of Kong trailer:

There is only one Billy Mitchell
Just another far reaching, baseless attack, to bring down another American hero.
This guy tho is a real piece of shit

Just watched this all the way through. Todd Rogers is obviously full of shit. In fact, it's starting to sound like widespread cheating is just rampant in the world of video game record-holding.

BTW, the dude who puts these videos together is pretty good.

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