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  1. zackryder

    Tips for Marraige Proposal

    ch 3 of love does by bob goff chapters called ryan in love. heres the cliffs: -author bob goff owns a beachfront house -one day some random dude named ryan came hesitantly by while bobs chilling with his wife maria on the front porch and ryan asked if he can propose to his fiance @ his house...
  2. zackryder

    You are endowed with super powers...

    i dont trust super powers without a wizard
  3. zackryder

    Why do landmines get such a bad rap?

    u used to be one of my fave characters on mlp
  4. zackryder

    How much water do you drink per day?

    about 2 gallons a day
  5. zackryder

    BAD SANTA 2 Trailer

    the best thing about the last movie was lauren graham
  6. zackryder

    Date ideas

    that is one of the most alpha ideas ive ever read. i may have to steal it
  7. zackryder

    Got the "lets be friends" talk (pretty long)

    it goes both ways. as women get older, they get more desperate and r more willing to settle. young chicks who just turned 18 r cocky and conceited. you can hit em with one of ur neg bullets to brg em down a peg
  8. zackryder

    Got the "lets be friends" talk (pretty long)

    ur 1st mistake was texting her all the time as friends. b4 she becomes ur gf, u only text to setup dates. none of that playful wasteful texts that doesnt go anywhere (leads to friendzone. she'll be like this guys really cool/fun to hang out/chill with). chemistry develops in-person & with...
  9. zackryder

    Dolphin prevent's wife from giving ipad to husband

    dolphins r too smart mang
  10. zackryder

    help, falling in love with a friend. what are my options

    honestly ur prob gonna get friendzoned unless shes having mutual feelings as well which is rare cuz girls really like having guy friends for some reason (just as friends and not romantic partners). ur best option is to be honest with her and tell her how u feel asap. i found that vulnerability...
  11. zackryder

    Marvel Comics free for all

    lol jk apocalypse or any omega level mutant for noncosmic
  12. zackryder

    BATMAN V SUPERMAN (Dragonlord's Review, post #1; Snyder Explains Why Film Failed, post #886)

    batman wasnt very intelligent movie tried to do too much &
  13. zackryder

