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  1. MarloStanfield

    BisexualMMA Is Missing Again, Last Seen March 28th and I’m Worried

    We’ve lost one of the good eggs, some people are unique and what they bring is irreplaceable, his humour and knowledge is lost for good, RIP my friend
  2. MarloStanfield

    Coincidence or Intentional

    Sounds like she wants you to climb in her bedroom window
  3. MarloStanfield

    International Was American involvement in world war 2 key to victory?

    Pacific lol you sat on a boat in the middle of fucking no where bombing the fuck out of an island and then struggled taking it, meanwhile the allies were on the ground in the trenches doing the real shit, go and watch your one sided fantasy war movies, your clueless, lmfao the pacific good one
  4. MarloStanfield

    International Was American involvement in world war 2 key to victory?

    Americans surrendered or went awol in numbers that were unheard of, cowards is a term used, the fighting that they confronted when they arrived was overwhelming for them, they were considered liabilities on the battlefield and no one wanted to fight along side them, what they did have was...
  5. MarloStanfield

    News Michigan Woman Found Living Inside Store Sign With a Desk, Computer and Coffee Maker

    I think it reminds me of true romance except his pad is behind the sign not in the actual thing
  6. MarloStanfield

    News Michigan Woman Found Living Inside Store Sign With a Desk, Computer and Coffee Maker

    Often thought about what it would be like to live in a sign, got some nice ones near me
  7. MarloStanfield

    Where does Yoel Romero rank in MW History?

    Weedman lol the dude made his name fighting old men and got very lucky, plus his recent antics are disgraceful, not top 10 maybe not even 15
  8. MarloStanfield

    Opinion Bill Barr could not deny that Trump said I want to assinate.....

    He used to be funny but his Netflix specials suck now
  9. MarloStanfield

    UFC 301 is disgrace

    Its a stinker
  10. MarloStanfield

    London, Toronto or New York City - Which of these cities is the most multicultural?

    Never heard of Toronto, London is pretty multi but I’ll give the nod to New York
  11. MarloStanfield

    If Jones loses to Stipe

    Does stipe even train these days?
  12. MarloStanfield

    Bonfires make me hot

  13. MarloStanfield

    Bonfires make me hot

  14. MarloStanfield

    Bonfires make me hot

  15. MarloStanfield

    Television My GF is on TV

    That dude in the yellow is definitely going to rip her back out, if he hasn’t already
  16. MarloStanfield

    Izzy now 1-8 vs Pereira

    Wank a dog izzy