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  1. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    You can be the Zilean Pope of the group. My brother hasn't played Zilean in forever, and mostly only plays troll shit like Teemo and Sona mid. He's a heretic and a disgrace to the church of Zilean.
  2. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Are you my brother?
  3. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Congrats! We'll have to get you in on some of our games. Always looking for more people
  4. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Between my bad shoulder and echo's neck, hopefully we can cobble together something resembling a functional team.
  5. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Limited internet access out here, but any big nerfs changes from the preseason hit yet?
  6. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Been jonesing for a game with the boys.
  7. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Viktor get nerfed since I've left?
  8. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    That is serious ass.
  9. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Well RIP, I'm done feeling bad lol
  10. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    I think I tilted Kismet off the planet with that one lol
  11. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Let's try to get something in Wednesday or Thursday night. I found out a few days ago I'm deploying in early September.
  12. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

  13. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    No spotters here, just witnesses.
  14. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Doob- how long did it take you to get your T1 tank?
  15. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Echo - get in on this shit
  16. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    I mean, you buying or are you buying?
  17. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Checked out how much I spent on skins and it was something like $1080. Kinda surprised it isn't more after all these years.
  18. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Visiting the parents this weekend soooooooo, postpone that shit
  19. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Maybe like one person in here cares about pro League, so enough of that beta shit.
  20. F[o]rged

    League of Legends v.16......2018 worlds

    Something more cancerous than support Yasuo is finally upon us.