15 minutes of Ramon Dekkers Pad Training

Will hitting the pads or heavy bag with shins like that close off the growth plates, and stunt your growth?

I took part in striking arts when a teen for a little bit, and I did that. I ended up being ad 5'9" manlet. I feel so bad. At least I am taller than my parents though.
5'9 is tall everywhere in the world except Europe and America, which are less than 10% of the world's population.

For years we heard that lifting weights stunts your growth, turns out that total BS unless you are squatting massive amounts of weight. So I'm gonna guess the bro science that says hitting pads stunts growth is also BS. Be sure not to masturbate though or your hands will get hairy!
yeah this thread is a dekkers thread, not this dudes weird bro science about his height.