2015-16 NBA Offseason Discussion v5.0 - Non Koobytard Edition

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Maybe it was a different poster but someone mentioned going to a strip club and hooking up with a clingy stripper. People were calling him out on it saying it was BS.

That did happen once, months ago. I stopped talking to her a while ago, don't know why I'd have a pic of her.
Cus you said you were going to post it.

I don't remember, I dont' remember what I posted yesterday, I find it odd that someone I barely talk too, you, knows what I fucking said 3 or 4 months ago. Actually may have been longer than that, you need another fucking hobby or something.
The detail popped up after Dang called you Black Gayness for some reason. Probably because others were calling out your story as a cover up.
Cover up for what?



Nothing wrong with it before I get called out for being anti gay.


Nothing wrong with it before I get called out for being anti gay.

Nah, if I sucked dick I'd be proud of it. I'd sing it from the mountain tops, I'm not though. If you posted more in the SBBC you'd know this, but you don't.
Canada one win away from Olympic qualifying after smashing the Dominican Republic today.
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