6 months to get to fighting shape

Is 2500-3000 with one bad meal a night excessive? Depends on your natural size, but probably “yes, very much excessive.”

I’m 6’1” 200. When I’m in great shape I’m 185. When I want to lose weight, I eat about 1800 calories a day and workout medium intensity for an hour a day at least 5 days a week. That loses me only about 1-2lbs a week. That said, I’m 36 and my metabolism is extremely slow now. At 25, I’d probably be dropping 5lbs in a little over a week.

Oh and I’d allow myself one bad meal a week on Friday nights (almost always Pizza). And my best results always included cutting back significantly on alcohol. At night when I got painful food cravings I ate fruit which was not at all satisfying, but usually sufficient.
My fight weight is 185 @ 6'0. So same as you.

My job is physically demanding so the bad meal usually happens then so I can get quick calories.

I really let myself go because i was fucking this pothead girl and she always had snacks and stuff so i would gorge.

I'll check back in a week or two and see how IF works. That actually fits my work and training schedule since it i stop at 9pm that's my last meal (post training).
Plenty of time to do it.

But, u are starting out too hard. You're starting at like a 7 or 8, and u need to start out more at 4 or 5, and build up. As it is, you're likely to burn out and blow your wad, and eventually start slacking off. Lighten your load and then build up over the months.

I say this as somebody with the same problem of wanting to jump back into workout routines at full bore, and that's not the best way.
Have you already been doing this much activity every week and gained 30lbs from bad diet? Or are you planning on upping your exercise rate to this much?

I cleaned up my diet and went Keto didn't really change my workouts, 2 cardio and 2 weight sessions a week and went from 175lbs on the left to 155lbs on the right in just over 3 months.
