Advise an arsehole please!


Sgt Sprinkles
Oct 11, 2012
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So I'm trying to reform from being an arsehole, I had a thread about it a few days ago.

A couple of mutual friends had told my wife they didn't want to hang it with me because I'm a pain in the arse. They're right of course, I tend to call out bullshit when I see it with friends, like if they're being sjw's etc.

Everything was going great until we got an invite to a friends wedding.

It's a vegan wedding, in a library, with a Christmas theme and kids are not invited.

The invite said there was little for kids to do at this location so enjoy a child free evening!

I asked my wife what that was about and she said they've decided not to have kids because it's better for the environment. They think they're that important that whether they have kids or not will make a difference to the environment <45>

I don't think this is going to end well and I'm wondering about strategies.....
Sounds like you are all arseholes from different ends of the spectrum. Good luck!

Pro tip: If you have nothing nice to say. Don’t say it at all...
Pro tip: If you have nothing nice to say. Don’t say it at all...

The worst advise of the day award.

This is what people used to say in regards to Hitler, and look what happened there.

You are literally a Hitler a figurative way of course.
Maybe just don't be a dick?
I commend you on your courage to speak truth to flowers. Remember, it is fun to run through the flowers, but be mindful not to crush them.

The next step is developing a more adaptive messaging strategy that will be successful in altering the belief, meaning and purpose of those suffering under destructive ignorance.

At the beginning, speaking truth will make you a prisoner of it, until you learn how it will set you and others free.

You are on the hero's journey. You will come to many shortcuts of self deception, and cities of delusion full of violent ignorance in which you must inhabit at times. Stay the path of truth.

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TS: "haha i'm such an asshole even my friends don't want to hang around, but i just think it's lovable and it's actually their problem if they can't handle me haha, right guise,right? haha, please advise, meaning, write shit in this thread to amuse my narcissism some more. ain't i great."
I would just roll with it and have fun. Drink, eat dat vegan food, bring presents covered in Christmas wrapping paper, etc. You're not going to change them and debate them out of their belief system.
I don't think she means environment like no kids equals saving the whales. They mean let's smoke some weed at my wedding and you won't notice the fake meat and tofu maybe, you hard ass mother Hubbard.
Ts is a Loser.

Sorry man, just calling you out the way I see it. Can we still hang out?
Focus your inner cunt into your sherdog posting, that's what I do.
Sounds like it has the potential to be hilarious. Get as drunk as possible and make sure your outbursts are on camera. I want to see it.
I don't think there is anything wrong with being the guy who calls bullshit or challenges people from time to time. It is other people's problem if they cannot handle their statements or positions being challenged. They should keep them to themselves if they can't handle them being challenged.

That said you don't want to be the guy who has to ALWAYS challenge everything and always make everything into a debate. Pick your spots.

And if I recall correctly you are a seriously big dude which many might find intimidating even when you have no such intent. That can lead them to perceiving a level of hostility that you never intended when they find themselves in conflict with you. Consider that as it's something I've had to learn to be aware of.
TS: "haha i'm such an asshole even my friends don't want to hang around, but i just think it's lovable and it's actually their problem if they can't handle me haha, right guise,right? haha, please advise, meaning, write shit in this thread to amuse my narcissism some more. ain't i great."

You are man of noble intent, but have been assaulted by those that have been saved by your lighthouse, so much so, you take pained pleasure in watching them crash upon the rocks, never to reach the shores of truth. You now sift through the debris and bodies, collecting only trinkets for your shrine to the dead God of truth.

Chaos reigns only in neglect of creative truth.

Go forth into the infinite abyss of terror and darkness and ignite your fires bright, so no man shall perish in the stormy oceans of ignorance.


You are the keeper of the light, no matter, when, where, or with who, and must instill the reasons why, and must find the way how. Do not let the truth die with you, pass on the fire so other may see.
So I'm trying to reform from being an arsehole, I had a thread about it a few days ago.

A couple of mutual friends had told my wife they didn't want to hang it with me because I'm a pain in the arse. They're right of course, I tend to call out bullshit when I see it with friends, like if they're being sjw's etc.

Everything was going great until we got an invite to a friends wedding.

It's a vegan wedding, in a library, with a Christmas theme and kids are not invited.

The invite said there was little for kids to do at this location so enjoy a child free evening!

I asked my wife what that was about and she said they've decided not to have kids because it's better for the environment. They think they're that important that whether they have kids or not will make a difference to the environment <45>

I don't think this is going to end well and I'm wondering about strategies.....
Eh...I'm programmed the same way as you. I'd let you bang. Them.
Personally I'd not be able to find a baby sitter that night so I'd stay at home with the kids whilst the wife went out to the wedding....
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Id decline a vegan wedding invite anyway.
TS: "haha i'm such an asshole even my friends don't want to hang around, but i just think it's lovable and it's actually their problem if they can't handle me haha, right guise,right? haha, please advise, meaning, write shit in this thread to amuse my narcissism some more. ain't i great."
