America’s not so great military

Did I or did I not say "without killing anyone"...and the original point was that America has won at times by more than just victory in battle...

Well, what choice did the Japanese have in 1854? Agree to terms or die. Not much of a choice. No Japanese was killed because they would all have been killed otherwise. You make it sound like it was all done peacefully through tariffs and sanctions. Like what Trump is now doing with various countries.

America did rebuild Germany and Japan after WWII, both countries are now our allies and protected by American military power. The Soviets (Russians) were our allies and are now our 'enemy'. How times change. Those are usually the two ways of winning something from other countries: War or financial burden. Let's see how things work out with Iran. I think it will go from sanctions to war.
Well, what choice did the Japanese have in 1854? Agree to terms or die. Not much of a choice. No Japanese was killed because they would all have been killed otherwise. You make it sound like it was all done peacefully through tariffs and sanctions. Like what Trump is now doing with various countries.

America did rebuild Germany and Japan after WWII, both countries are now our allies and protected by American military power. The Soviets (Russians) were our allies and are now our 'enemy'. How times change. Those are usually the two ways of winning something from other countries: War or financial burden. Let's see how things work out with Iran. I think it will go from sanctions to war.
Gave you the like but hope we don't war with Iran. We need to be smart and not just have the bigger button.
Gave you the like but hope we don't war with Iran. We need to be smart and not just have the bigger button.

Well, we have Israel my friend. They have bombed nuclear facilities in Iraq in 1981 and Syria 2007 (unmarked Israeli jets) with no retaliation from the Arab world. Kind of amazing when you think about it. I know the Israelis already have the plans to bomb Iran and the U.S. ordnance to penetrate deep underground. Like the past, I don't think Iran will do anything about it. All bark and no bite. Like North Korea.
East LA could pretty much take over any other country on this planet.
No doubt anyone thought to be unloyal was first to flee or be killed.

The general consensus in our community is if a smaller force were implemented during the bulk of the Iraq campaign, then things might have turned out far different, for the better.

From my end seemingly there was not a single thought given to transitioning of power back the the Iraqis. Or considerations to the secratarian divide and the consequences of removing an authoritarian leader, who for all of his faults, maintained governance control.

Well anyways here we are.. 15 years later.

In what way would a smaller force have been better? The only stability in that country for years was the massive American presence, and often there were too few troops on the ground.

Where things really got weird as I saw was, and I don't know when it started, was for some reason we decided to try to move Sunni IAs and IPs into Shia regions and vice versa. That was incredibly stupid and set us back to a great extent.
We're talking about American military might. Let's try to keep it in this century.

"We" does the OP have multiple personalities and are you one of them? I set up the context in the very first reply in this thread that he is using outdated military concepts, it does not matter how far back I go to prove those concepts outdated as it is relevant.

America does not just use its military, it uses its economic powers with them and does not require what other nations require, a total military takeover.
Just like you can assert Trump won the 2016 election and avoid mentioning Russian interference.

Just like you can keep bringing up Russia with zero proof all while believing that Russia would back the worlds poster boy of Capitalism over a woman that spreads Socialism, did nothing to Russia when it took Crimea and does business deals with them giving them our uranium...and also rigging our elections by colluding with the media so Sanders has no chance of winning (and there is ACTUAL proof of that).

Wait, who is a threat to our Democracy again?!?

Love how you and the colluding media conveniently forgot about these stories they ran ever since proof of their collusion with the DNC came out
Well, what choice did the Japanese have in 1854? Agree to terms or die. Not much of a choice. No Japanese was killed because they would all have been killed otherwise.

Was the point there was a victory without killing anyone? And are you acting as if there was no diplomatic pressure for the last 100 years by European countries to open their boarders and it failing?

Yes to both, thank you come again.

Fuck that noise.

Nation-building is where we get into trouble.

Our military is designed to do go in and ass rape you six times a day and twice on Sunday, curb stomp your cherry cum-filled ass and say "Don't you ever think about fucking with us ever again!!".

We'd obliterate the Russian military and leave them ruined.

Yup. We steamroll enemy forces. A couple of years ago one of our Super Carriers set a record on bombs dropped in the middle East.

In this day and age we wouldn't fight fair In those types of engagements why the fuck would we. It's when we have to send in ground forces to deal with entrenched insurgencies that it gets complicated .
We are constrained by the human rights and international law regime that we effectively created and have done the most to promote. We can never conduct wars the way we did when we were winning them.
In what way would a smaller force have been better? The only stability in that country for years was the massive American presence, and often there were too few troops on the ground.

Where things really got weird as I saw was, and I don't know when it started, was for some reason we decided to try to move Sunni IAs and IPs into Shia regions and vice versa. That was incredibly stupid and set us back to a great extent.

Edit, if you're truly interested in my thoughts I'll PM you.
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Our military is the best in the world by a long shot. What you're missing is that our form of government is the worst for war. Freedom and democracy are terrible for war.

The United States is not a true Democracy, it is a Republic. The Electoral College elects the President, not the people.
Well, we have Israel my friend. They have bombed nuclear facilities in Iraq in 1981 and Syria 2007 (unmarked Israeli jets) with no retaliation from the Arab world. Kind of amazing when you think about it. I know the Israelis already have the plans to bomb Iran and the U.S. ordnance to penetrate deep underground. Like the past, I don't think Iran will do anything about it. All bark and no bite. Like North Korea.

Your last statement has more applications than just Iran. The major world powers will not go to war unless they are hellbent on self destruction. War changed the day nuclear weapons were designed for better or worse. Proxy wars are how things are settled in combat realms because anything more would result in absolute destruction.
The last time the U.S. invaded Canada in 1990, it won the conflict. American Mohawk Indians did the job. Canadian Army troops suck. :)

The Oka Crisis:
"The last American invasion of Canada was a curiosity -- a group of armed Mohawk Indians who were U.S. citizens traveled to Quebec at the invitation of militants at the Kanesatake Mohawk reservation to protest the expansion of a golf course on disputed land; politics within the Mohawk nation were deeply divided on both sides of the border. On July 11, 1990, after two months of confrontation, over 100 Quebecois police charged the Mohawk militants’ barricades; one of the policemen was killed in the subsequent firefight.

By August, the 200 militants (including 30 U.S. citizens) were surrounded by 4400 Canadian Army troops. Many people were evacuated on August 28, although the standoff continued for another month and dozens of Mohawks and Canadian soldiers would be hospitalized for injuries sustained in fighting. The government ultimately bought the land to stop the development of the golf course."

A ratio of 22 Canadians to every 1 Mohawk.
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Let’s be real.

I’m not hating. I’m being realistic.

America has won just one time since WWII. Korea considered a draw. Vietnam considered an outright loss (more political, but still). Won desert storm. Iraq and Afghanistan have been failures so far. The main issue with Iraq and Afghanistan is you can’t win because there’s no way you’re going to destroy an idea (an idea that you guys created), but you can’t leave or just ask for peace at this point anymore. Ya fucked up, big time.

Technologically, you’re the best. Strategically, on the ground, hmm..

So amazing that one if your own prefers to use special forces from a different country instead of his own, lol.

I’m not saying any specific country is better because in reality we’re all not nearly as powerful as we think. I honestly feel america has become too reliant on their tech and their soldiers aren’t what they used to be. There’s more to war than just bombs. How are you on the ground? Definitely one of the best still, but without your bombs you’re in a real hard place.

Believe me I’m on your side when I say this. These are just historical facts. So don’t hate on me, hate reality.

I love you, Murica. Canada is more Americanized than you seem to think (except the French part above us).

This is the reality of war. Let’s understand these countries we’ve all made fun of are VERY capable. They’re stronger than you’d think. America has went through hell time and time again and in the end it’s almost always never worked out. War is complicated.

This is gonna upset some people for no reason, but oh well. Ignore facts again and share opinions. Time for war.

War is a racket and clearly over your head. Service members don’t determine outcomes of war.