America's healthcare system sucks.


Green Belt
Apr 24, 2016
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I got turned down by THREE healthcare companies. I had to sign up for Medicaid to get disability. My mom says I don't really need the money, but only Medicaid would take me.

I heard that if you earn too much, you can lose your disability.

The healthcare system in America is a complete joke.
but free market capitalism...
I hope you enjoyed your FREEDOM, TS.
Also, we can’t have UH like a civilized country because we are just TOO big, so it wouldn’t work here (even though we are the richest country in the history of the world and under our current system pay three times as much for healthcare as some countries with better outcomes). Because reasons and stuff.
I don’t know, I havjust excellent insurance through my work, I do t pay for it and have a low deductible. I agree if you don’t have good insurance it sucks.
Sounds like you need to get a couple moar jerbs TS and stop sucking off Big gubments teats.
Is that what we have? Could have fooled me.
America: Social Democracy for corporations; bootstraps for you and me.

I don’t know, I havjust excellent insurance through my work, I do t pay for it and have a low deductible. I agree if you don’t have good insurance it sucks.

America: Good healthcare is for the corporately useful.
Also, we can’t have UH like a civilized country because we are just TOO big, so it wouldn’t work here (even though we are the richest country in the history of the world and under our current system pay three times as much for healthcare as some countries with better outcomes). Because reasons and stuff.

Because Republicans hate minorities, women, and the disabled.
Haha as much as both sides will disagree on the solution, both will agree that what we have now sucks.

Sorry for the headaches it’s caused you TS.
I got turned down by THREE healthcare companies. I had to sign up for Medicaid to get disability. My mom says I don't really need the money, but only Medicaid would take me.

I heard that if you earn too much, you can lose your disability.

The healthcare system in America is a complete joke.

Why are you trying to get disibility???
Because Republicans hate minorities, women, and the disabled.
Don’t feel bad, they also hate artists, unions, people interested in the humanities, journalists,environmentalists, and generally anyone who isn’t an amenable little cog for the military-industrial complex.
Don’t feel bad, they also hate artists, unions, people interested in the humanities, journalists,environmentalists, and generally anyone who isn’t an amenable little cog for the military-industrial complex.

Republicans really just hate socialists and communists who spend all their days telling everyone how bad America is.
Republicans really just hate socialists and communists who spend all their days telling everyone how bad America is.
Be sure to thank unions for weekends, sick time, overtime, workers comp, child labor laws, etc. while you scream communism, too.
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