And here we go: Government Drone Deployed in Sacramento Neighborhood


Feb 2, 2016
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It Begins: Government Drone Spying On Sacramento Neighborhood


The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency is not a law enforcement agency, and yet it is spying on local citizens with a sophisticated drone. The City Council has the power to stop this cold in its tracks with a simple binding resolution, and citizens are bringing pressure. ⁃ TN Editor
Neighbors say they’re furious over a drone that’s flying over the neighborhood, and we’ve found out it’s tied to a government agency.

The mysterious drone has been spotted during late-night hours, hovering over residential neighborhoods and looking down on homes.

ohn Mattox first spotted the mysterious drone about a month ago.

“The drone would fly over here, come over my neighbor’s house, fly over our house right here,” he said. “You come home from work, it would be operating, go to bed it was still operating, and this would repeat day after day.”

His neighbors in Sacramento’s upper Land Park neighborhood wondered what it was doing.

“It just doesn’t feel good,” said Ben Allen. “It hovers around. You don’t know what they’re looking at and monitoring.”

Neighbors say they’ve heard the drone flying in the early morning hours, well before sunrise.

This week, they learned it’s being flown by the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency. It manages two nearby housing communities, Alder Grove and Marina Vista. Those complexes have seen serious crimes, including a fatal shooting in January and a triple homicide in 2016.

“We initiated the drone program in order to enhance the safety and security of our residents,” said LaTanna Jones, SHRA’s assistant director.

She says the five-foot-long aircraft operates between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. and has already spotted illegal dumping and trespassing. Pilots have established a protocol to protect privacy.

“The drones are programmed so that they do not catch any footage until they get to about 200 feet in the air,” Jones said.

The housing authority says the program is legal, but some neighbors have doubts, saying their privacy is being invaded and the technology doesn’t belong in a residential community.

“This is not an appropriate way to police the community,” Mattox said.


How are you going to feel when a government drone is hovering over your house?

See you thought the cameras on street lights, and CCTV everywhere was OK, because it's in public, but this is just the start.

Our phones, appliances, computers spy on us. Drones will soon be in your neighborhood spying on you.

You do not live in a free society if you are constantly under surveillance.

This has zero potential to be abused and they would never use this for anything else but "protecting" the public.
Nothing wrong with this program...both legal and appropriate use of funds. Besides you are already on video just about everywhere you go so what's the deal? Unless they are violating right to privacy by use of some technology on the drone then no issue.
Nothing wrong with this program...both legal and appropriate use of funds. Besides you are already on video just about everywhere you go so what's the deal? Unless they are violating right to privacy by use of some technology on the drone then no issue.
Dumbest post of 2018... nice!
Do you own the airspace above your house? If so how high up? I tried Google and am getting a bunch of conflicting answers.
This has zero potential to be abused and they would never use this for anything else but "protecting" the public.

I remember years ago when high school wrestlers were first asked to take hydration tests to try to curb weight cutting.

When this rule was rolled out, a coach from another team spoke up and said that his school was against it due to blowback from the athlete's parents.

His reason was that parents saw it as a slippery slope. They believed that the schools would use this hydration test to test for drugs. In essence, parents wanted the school to keep their hands of their kids' pee. After all, a hydration test to join the wrestling team could turn into a drug test for joining the National Honor Society next year.

This story popped in my head when reading the OP
I remember years ago when high school wrestlers were first asked to take hydration tests to try to curb weight cutting.

When this rule was rolled out, a coach from another team spoke up and said that his school was against it due to blowback from the athlete's parents.

His reason was that parents saw it as a slippery slope. They believed that the schools would use this hydration test to test for drugs. In essence, parents wanted the school to keep their hands of their kids' pee. After all, a hydration test to join the wrestling team could turn into a drug test for joining the National Honor Society next year.

This story popped in my head when reading the OP
Weird, my school actually had random drug tests for the athletes. I don't think they were very effective though, I found out later that I was one of the very few who wasn't on something at the time.
Weird, my school actually had random drug tests for the athletes. I don't think they were very effective though, I found out later that I was one of the very few who wasn't on something at the time.
Were only athletes tested? Were kids on other activities?

Just a basic test before they arm and deploy them to chicago and detroit.
Not surprised.

With the rapid advancement of technology making life much easier to navigate (communication, entertainment etc) society has become increasingly less concerned with gov't overreach, violations of privacy, and misuse of said technology.

This is just one of many examples.

People simply don't care enough on a macro level to affect change, and until that zeitgeist shifts, it will only get worse.

Its been remarked by many ppl already, but with each passing day, its becoming more and more noticeable that Orwell's '1984' can be interpreted more as a self-fulfilling prophecy rather than some sci-fi work of fiction.
This has zero potential to be abused and they would never use this for anything else but "protecting" the public.
Haha oh man. Honestly this is just a long slow March into a total loss of privacy. Rich people will have houses that you can't spy on. Ie no heat sig, can't use microphones to ease drop etc
If the community had behaved they wouldn't have to worry about this drone in the first place.
everytime they flew it over my house i would do something fucked up for whoever is flying it to watch, like take a shit outside in my backyard. they want to spy, lets give them more than they bargained for
"If you have nothing to hide what do you care?"
I’d wait till it was on my property, then “shoot” it down (in a safe manner), then I would bring it inside and keep it like the old lady in the neighborhood who would keep your balls if they went in her yard.
Orwell was pretty much a prophet I think we can agree

Also, pretty bullshit that laws are in place that protect drones flying over your private property. You should be able to legally shoot drones down with a shotgun if it’s above your property without your permission in my opinion (if the shot is in a safe manner of course, possibly subject to the casual shooting laws like outside of city limits since not direct self defense)

A coworker of mine had a drone come over his fence while his 14 year daughter was sunbathing in a bikini. He called the cops, and cops told him there wasn’t nothing he or they could do and recommended he tell his underaged girl to go inside. Bullshit
Do you own the airspace above your house? If so how high up? I tried Google and am getting a bunch of conflicting answers.

Theoretically you own something called privacy. or at least that's whats advertised in the constitution. This violates peoples privacy on their own property. Using airspace for travel is one thing using it to spy directly over people's property is a completely different. thing. It's draconian and absolutely unconstitutional in it's very nature.

If all technology is being used for is a mass surveillance state then fuck technology the human race doesn't need it , it needs nothing to do with it.
I'm big for law enforcement and prophylactic agency, but no.
This is a stupid waste of money and indeed buddies right up to being unconstitutional.