Anyone Else Constantly Interrupt People?

At least you know you're asshole, it's better to be self-aware.
it's ok to gently interject with thoughtful and helpful cues to move along or contribute to the conversation but to interrupt/cut off/talk over someone else because you wanted to get a word in is not cool.

I like it in moderation...

- If someone helps me with a word while I'm at a loss for words is helpful.

- Someone completing my thought shows me they are listening, or understand where I am coming from.

When someone does it in a rushing way or continuously that's when it gets disrespectful.

I try not to cut people off. You don't realize how much information people will confide in you if you just let them speak, sometimes it can be useful.
I thought only people with Autism interrupted people.
I have a coworker who does this and it has really annoyed clients. We've actually received complaints.
Super fucking guilty of this.
