Anyone in Columbus, OH or surrounding areas? Mark Coleman benefit tomorrow


Sherdog Wet Shaver
Platinum Member
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Dubs holding a benefit for Mark and his family. He’ll be there for pics, autographs, and the like. A percentage of all sales proceeds tomorrow go to Mark and family.

Note: I don’t work for BWW or have any affiliation with them. Just just the post and thought I’d share. I wish I lived nearby and could go
True BMF

4 hr drive, seriously thinking about it.
Damn, you’d think the UFC or at least Dana would help the guy out. I’m stoked though. I live in Galloway which is literally 10 minutes from the Buffalo Wild Wings location he will be at. Can’t fuckin wait
The man deserves his flowers. War the Godfather of Ground and Pound!
I hope he had an amazing turn out, wish I was anywhere near so I could have gone.
Damn, you’d think the UFC or at least Dana would help the guy out. I’m stoked though. I live in Galloway which is literally 10 minutes from the Buffalo Wild Wings location he will be at. Can’t fuckin wait
I saw Coleman working in a SlapFight event where Tim Sylvia KOd his opponent. Wonder if he also works at Dana Whites Power Slap.