Anyone watching Krypton

Without seeing the show ill wager his white dad is an asshole but his white mom is a hero...who falls in love with a minority after accidently getting preggers by said asshole.

Maybe he rapes her which allows her the ability to play the metoo! Victim card?

LOL I dont think will happen, but I will point out that everyone is a proper British Schoolboy or schoolgirl. Its always got to be brits with their accents when talking about things that happen in the past

He wrote it 40 years ago. I'm pointing out he's not involved in the show.

I think he is involved. In the commercial, GRRM is all over it.
The show was good for a pilot but the best part is the last 15 minutes. Won't spoil anything but Maan the main the last minute was well done.

Gonna need more DC tie in to the main universe to keep me interested. If they show more of the main villain then I'm hooked.