Are Fake News and economic inequality going to screw the world?

On paper its the same as in reality, the Fed generates profit and transfers it to "We the People" AKA the US government's Department of Treasury.

As to whether government has the best interests of the population in mind, thats another point entirely, the Fed didnt voted Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell into power. If you are getting rammed in the ass is because you keep voting people whose campaign promises are just that.
I can't vote for McConnell cause he isn't in my state and WA always goes blue so I didn't bother voting for a president that actually existed. Snoopy/Brown 2020 book it.
I can't vote for McConnell cause he isn't in my state and WA always goes blue so I didn't bother voting for a president that actually existed. Snoopy/Brown 2020 book it.

And none of those problems has anything to do with a Central Bank.

You seem to be making the arguments as my former friend.

"But the country is poor and the rich keep getting richer"
"Thats not the problem of the central bank, but the federal government"

Repeat about 10 times with different words but the same meaning.
The internet and social media is its ultimate downfall.
And reference to a liberal government will be met with laughter in the future

Being liberal with your borders is a fail.
Being liberal on crime is a fail
Being liberal with tax payer money is a fail.

Try conserving
How many of these "independent third parties" exist within the United States and what makes them independent of the major sources of news?


You verify bullshit and no one will trust you.
Effeminate social structures will destroy the west, the world will survive.
You need to share the wealth where it matters, to temper the worst impulses.


It's outrageous, I know.

But I didn't necessarily say that the state is required to be the sole distributor of that wealth.

It ought to be people's own conscience that prompts them to share what they own with their fellow man.

If the state assumes the role of acting charitable, from the people, the people themselves often turn cold against the struggles of their fellow men, expecting the system to be capable of providing all such support. I've seen that happen gradually as a byproduct of the "welfare state" system.

We have not yet found out the perfect balance between a system that can provide its inhabitants with welfare when in need, without making the individuals dependent on that system's provisions. Humans, sadly, tend to institutionalize rather quickly, depriving them of some of their more positive traits, their willingness to be charitable often being the first ones to go.

Worse than fake news is a rejection of real news, or generally the belief that there's no truth, or no way to know it.

I don't anyone thinks there is no truth. What you define as "Real news" is generally slanted with political leanings. That is bullshit, and is fake news because instead of publishing an objective analysis of the situation they're trying to manipulate and placate their consumer.

THe real news has been caught making fake news

Breitbart is not to be taken for cereal but it does matter when cnn or the New York Times puts out something fake. So whether it’s exploding fords or fake protestors it matters when legitimate news becomes click bait. Have you been on cnns site lately? Ass butter. Used to be the best news site little over a year ago. Now click bait and adds. Perhaps the 24 hour news cycle and cable news is dying and this is the last gasp. Be as extreme as possible so somebody will still watch you.

I would say it stopped being worth while 5+ years ago.

Worse than fake news is a rejection of real news, or generally the belief that there's no truth, or no way to know it.

I think an even bigger issue is non news.

As much as people like to yell left wing propoganda/ right wing propoganda/ fake news etc it's the abundance of idiotic outrage porn over non issues that dominate our news.

Issues of a single person/company that does something wrong or perceived to be wrong get an inordinate amount of coverage.

It's not really about informing people of real issues because people are stupid and don't care about real issues. They want to know which celebrity made a tweet that was offensive or what airline accidentally killed a puppy and the media feeds right into that because with the internet and algorithms they know what we want to hear better than we do.

It's like we've entered a time where reporting on the lisa lionheart doll is upon us.
I mean people are angry nowadays, they are angry in every single country in the world.

But the way social media works, people's anger is being easily manipulated into whatever any actor wishes to.

Here in Mexico we chose a leftist leader and gave him supermajority in every aspect, the good thing is that said leftist leader is doubling down on establishing a new republic based on the values of XIX century liberalism, so we can breathe relief.

But his party is filled with communists and he could easily end up being one, so what do you do in these instances? Ortega seems determined to stay in power, Venezuela is a shithole, Evo wants to become a dictator, Europe is in political crisis.

China extends its tentacles all over Asia and Africa propping up dictators, and the more people get fucked over the angrier they are and the more vulnerable to fake news they are. People i consider educated spew such non-sense and such levels of fake news and dellusions that im afraid for the future.

/rant off

So what are your predictions for the future? liberal democracies take over an increasingly technological world, or authoritarian dystopias take over?

I tottaly share your sentiment people still loce voting for the personality cult.
Yes, of course, but when the volume of BS along with likes, shares and retweets generate a perception that a lie can be a truth or that something needs to be done about something.

Im seeing a bombardment in my facebook that the Mexican SCOTUS is corrupt and needs to go and we know where it is coming from, they want to generate a general mood that if there was a need to purge it, people will actually cheer about it.
It’s genuinely terrifying that anti-democratic sentiment is gaining traction all over the world.
I mean people are angry nowadays, they are angry in every single country in the world.

But the way social media works, people's anger is being easily manipulated into whatever any actor wishes to.

Here in Mexico we chose a leftist leader and gave him supermajority in every aspect, the good thing is that said leftist leader is doubling down on establishing a new republic based on the values of XIX century liberalism, so we can breathe relief.

But his party is filled with communists and he could easily end up being one, so what do you do in these instances? Ortega seems determined to stay in power, Venezuela is a shithole, Evo wants to become a dictator, Europe is in political crisis.

China extends its tentacles all over Asia and Africa propping up dictators, and the more people get fucked over the angrier they are and the more vulnerable to fake news they are. People i consider educated spew such non-sense and such levels of fake news and dellusions that im afraid for the future.

/rant off

So what are your predictions for the future? liberal democracies take over an increasingly technological world, or authoritarian dystopias take over?

Give the mob food drink and entertainment.

Since the dawn of time till end of time, the majority will live and die as being poor dumb worthless fucks.

inequality lol.
News has always been fake. Only difference is before it was easier to control. Now propaganda has been democratized and people are freaking out.

And people have different capabilities with respect to productivity. Income inequality is the morally correct reflection of this.
Democracies rule

Eventually, one world government

Before we know it, we'll be the headquarters for an interplanetary fleet of vessels to the stars, there will be a name for the organization but who knows what that'll be.

Dudes with pointed ears, green chicks, our shit is totally together and we look damned good being awesome
Globalism and the consolidation of wealth along with propaganda tech and the erosion of privacy and free speech are ruining the world.
I think the fake news thing is the least important. Society will eventually develop the tools to regulate bad actors in that space. Part of the problem is that social media as a source of news is pretty new but we still have a huge swath of the population who grew up on news coming from a few sources that had multiple levels of fact-checking before publication. The younger generations are growing up with the knowledge that everything on the internet can't be trusted and so, presumably, they'll be better equipped to spot and deal with "fake news".

The sense of economic inequality is a bigger problem because I don't think there is a solution without significant government intervention. The issue is that money, information, goods, services now move across the planet with nigh complete indifference for nation-state borders but the governing apparatus for those things are hamstrung by those borders.

The inability to create regulations and oversight that are as broad as the economy itself means that those with the economic ability can leverage their wealth to force concessions from small nations which then forces the big players to make similar concessions just to maintain their position. It is the inevitable race to the bottom. But the fears of an imaginary "one world government" prevents many people from realizing that once you have a one world economy, the cat is out of the bag. Either we speed up our ability to manage it or we extend the chaos until it eventually overwhelms us.