Asura: China's most expensive film ever ($110 million) flops at the box-office, gets pulled


Plutonium Belt
Apr 9, 2007
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Asura is the most expensive Chinese film ever made. It cost $110 million. It has been a massive flop, pulling in only $7.1 million. The production company has pulled the film from cinemas due to its poor showing. They state they are going to rework it and re-release it.

Asura is a fantasy epic, burrowing from Buddhist mythology.

Trailer below. Some of the CGI (specifically in the desert scene) looks off.
The Great Wall's budget was $150 million. Not Chinese enough to count?
Bro they need some white actors.
Did it have gratuitous nude scenes by A-list actresses?
A Wachowski brothers knockoff about a talking eggplant failed?
Im shocked
Hate the trailer's production; it is pulling the same shit Hollywood pulls , and by that I mean the blackening-out of a scene and transitioning quickly to another scene, all to create a faux sense of tension and excitement.
Id rather watch a sequel to suicide squad
Bro they need some white actors.
less, actually. All the Chinese movies with white actor leads flop there. Meanwhile, Wolf Warrior 2 was the highest grossing Chinese movie of all time:

Not only was it the highest grossing movie in Chinese history, but also the 7th highest grossing movie worldwide for 2017 (Behind heavy hitters like The Last Jedi and Spiderman: Homecoming, but ahead of of Wonder Woman and Thor Ragnarok).
Always seems kind of unfortunate when something that cost a lot of money and involved a lot of hard work by a lot of people, ends up sucking,
Throw in some transformer robots and kaiju into the movie and you'll instantly have a blockbuster.
How is the dubbing?
So it's a Chinese version of Avatar, with a purple yoda, Chinese daenerys and Vision, a dementor,and the cgi budget of The Cell... ok
Even the trailer sucks ass...why they did this crap? in order to beating the americans they should use artistis ( thinks the nevernding story, labiritinth ) instead to waste money.
less, actually. All the Chinese movies with white actor leads flop there. Meanwhile, Wolf Warrior 2 was the highest grossing Chinese movie of all time:

Not only was it the highest grossing movie in Chinese history, but also the 7th highest grossing movie worldwide for 2017 (Behind heavy hitters like The Last Jedi and Spiderman: Homecoming, but ahead of of Wonder Woman and Thor Ragnarok).

"Foreign devils" typically do well as with Frank Grillo here.

Seems like the Chinese didn't learn from Valerian and the city of a thousand empty cinema seats with this film although generally I think their efforts to ape Hollywood(rather than wuxia or kung fu epics) tend to be on seriously dodgy ground when it comes to bad taste.