Best horror/thrillers taking place in modern times...


Gold Belt
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
What are best films that takes place post covid in terms of current social media and modern culture.
Its far from a masterpiece but its a fun little slasher flick adventure

Its far from a masterpiece but its a fun little slasher flick adventure

I remember this one. I think Joe Rogans buddy was in the movie. He was a cheeky tech guy.
I'm surprised we haven't gotten a new Halloween or Saw movie yet
Not post-covid, but Annihilation and The Old Ways are both solid horror films released in the last 10 years.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
The Last Voyage Of The Demeter was fun
This one is classic and oddly enough, I remember lots of teen horrors from the early to mid-2000s.
The opening song and video sequence using much REAL footage of shootings and out of control crowd situations and weird shit that actually happened on this planet is very dramatic and effective. All set to a Johnny Cash song "The Man Comes Around".

Also... there's some black humor for sure in Dawn of the Dead but that's quite typical of the zombie genre.

In it is...the intro sequence of 2004 'Dawn of the Dead' (not the Romero original) (hip hip hooray for youtube.....2

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Also I do rather like this scene from 'Dawn of the Dead'.
A preacher philosophizing about why the zombies have risen suddenly.

Take a look :
