Bitcoin dropped close to $600 in just 15 minutes of trading.

I was just looking at analysis. Lost the fuckin link. But this thing gets resistance about 7k and stop price for most investors is between 8 and 10 k. Most plan on getting out at that price. People in here are talking so much higher. No.

Lol like you know how high Bitcoin will go.
So you agree with me it is gonna go down even more, "a larger drop", but you say don't sell? ? lol. Talk about terrible advice.

If you guys are making money, good for you. But if I owned one bitcoin right now I would sell it as soon as possible. Some black swan event could bring the whole thing down.

How about this? If you really believe what you say. Sell the shit now and buy it again when it drops. lol. You make no sense. If you sold your coins at this high price, you would have more money to buy them when they get cheaper again. It is ridiculous what you propose.

Just wanted to remind you that Bitcoin rebounded the day after you posted this and nearly doubled in value in a matter of 17 days. So what was that about terrible advice again?
The only thing making bitcoin valuable is because other people want it. But there is nothing backing it like say US Dollars that are government backed.

There is a guy who invested late in pet rocks with a quarry in his basement.

The dollar is a fiat currency. I don't think you understand that.