BJJ infIuencers?


White Belt
Aug 21, 2016
Reaction score
Hey mat buddies, quick question: who do you foIIow onIine, bjj reIated?
For a real post, since I am a Gracie Academy student 90% of my online BJJ study is via Ryron and Rener. Outside of that, I enjoy watching Roy Dean on youtube, and I have linked Stephan Kesting's material to people I know who I knew had questions on some random stuff.
i only follow blue belt blogs for the latest in bjj wisdom
Marcelo, Cobrinha, Keenan, Buchecha, Renzo, Draculino.

That’s about it. It gets pretty repetitive after that. I can only take so many motivational posts in a day.
On Youtube which has kind of become a form of social media I subscribe to Firas Zahabi and Lachlan Gile's channels. Super underrated BJJ channels.
Right now, when I get the time, whatever my team sends me. It's usually BJJ scout or AoJ or something along those lines