Crime Stormy Daniels arrested *UPDATE* charges dropped within 24 hours

Does your god become upset when you eat Spaghetti O’s???
Agnostic. There could be a god, who knows? One thing for sure manmade religion is the biggest scam ever created and attracts some of the worst of humanity.
*was impeached
Unsuccessfully impeached, the most disgusting thing about that sham was those going Clinton the hardest were adulterers and perverts themselves, ex. Gingrich and Hastert, etc
Unsuccessfully impeached, the most disgusting thing about that sham was those going Clinton the hardest were adulterers and perverts themselves, ex. Gingrich and Hastert, etc
Matters not. Impeachment is the process with, or without, charges.
Jus sayin'
Way to dicktuck, Rip.
While President? You sure ‘bout that :rolleyes:

Oh, so he got impeached for sleeping with another woman? Infidelity is an impeachable crime? Or was it the fact that he lied about it? And then infidelity only counts while in office? Trump lies about his infidelity. He lies every fucking day about something. And he could be banging another chick on the side now for all we know but this one may be following the NDA he had her sign unlike Stormy who broke her NDA. What a scummy incel you are. Lmao.