Can running be replaced by a different type of cardio?

when they come up with these other wierd contraptions, it's really only an attempt to market or make working out more sexy, like Josh Barnett said in a podcast, whatever new name they try to put on things or whatever moves they have you do, it's still a workout. I wouldn't say any of it's bad per se, but why not just run? It's free, you don't need any equipement, just don't do like some of the pervs in my city, run with your ding a ling hanging out (ya, a dude really did that).
I like jumping rope as an alternative to running. It’s really good cardio if you push it and pretty low impact
It's a staple of boxing as well, but I thought I was in shape when I was doing jump ropes like a champ but when I ran I could tell i was really pushing myself.
It's a staple of boxing as well, but I thought I was in shape when I was doing jump ropes like a champ but when I ran I could tell i was really pushing myself.
Yeah, I’d say it’s good to switch them up. For one thing, as you get better at jumping rope, you get more and more efficient with your movements so you are using less energy than when you’re starting off.

If you can bang out 20+ double unders without feeling like you’re pushing yourself though, then good on you, I’m impressed
Dont quote me on this but I recall hearing this from one of Bas rutten's old training vids. Running on a treadmill is better on your joints due to the springs and gears loaded up in the surface of the treadmill machine.
swimming is really good, I think Wilder does a lot of it and his cardio is pretty good fora big guy
Dont quote me on this but I recall hearing this from one of Bas rutten's old training vids. Running on a treadmill is better on your joints due to the springs and gears loaded up in the surface of the treadmill machine.
i'm sure it is but it still ain't as good as running, i've done both, and even though they've really improved over the years, it still ain't as good as running, they're damn close though. You can add incline, set a pace that'll kill you so it's pretty close. over 20 years ago i ran on ones that i set as high as they could go and theyn i would do 8 minute miles, running was way harder. In fact, it was then when I learned how panic could set in because you feel like you're gonna die or something, you learn how to deal with that in a workout so it doesn't happen when you fight even though you get just as tired.
I am not sure anything can replace the cardio you get running but you can substitute aqua jogging, elliptical, swimming, biking on off days and run 3-4 times a week. Running every day is tough on your body and you should plan off days to let you body heal. Also when you run, find parks with soft surface as opposed to the pavement. Stretching before and after is important as well.

I have never heard anything about minimalist shoes but the shoes you wear are very important. Making sure they offer the right support for the way you run will make a huge difference and changing them out after 450 miles is a must. You can get fitted for custom insoles that will help too but having the right shoes the offer the best support will make a huge difference. I do a lot of running and change my shoes up every couple of months. It really sucks but much better then getting hurt.
You have to weigh the risk/reward ratio.

Unless you’re turning pro, I can’t see why you would destroy your knees. You can’t see the damage now, because it’s only popping. You’re doing continuous low-level damage on a regular basis. Wait 10-20 years from now. You’ll be cursing your running days when you can’t kneel down properly anymore.
You have to weigh the risk/reward ratio.

Unless you’re turning pro, I can’t see why you would destroy your knees. You can’t see the damage now, because it’s only popping. You’re doing continuous low-level damage on a regular basis. Wait 10-20 years from now. You’ll be cursing your running days when you can’t kneel down properly anymore.
That's very true, however I know it's different for everyone, I'm 50 and I have few problems from the actual working out (doing stupid shit and getting injured is a totally different story). All the kicking, punching, etc.., haven't really come back to haunt me. The running? I never ran as much as a pro, but enough to recognize that it's necessary. Athletes make faustian bargains, they should think more about what they do beforehand, i always, always did. The only issue I have right now seem to be my hips from all the stretching and kicking, the other pains are from either myself doing stupid shit or someone i was working with doing stupid shit or work related slips and sprains. My hips worry me but I'd guess that most of the pain I actually feel is from all the weight I gained. Also, compared to people who sit behind a desk all their lives, it's hard to see how they are better off than a lot of old athletes. And.., we also don't know when injuries (or as could be said, the devil comes to collect) will cause problems in a persons life.

If your'e doing boxing roadwork, you have to shuffle in your stance forward, backwards, side to side, skipping, bounding, kareokes', and mix in pivots / rolls / shadowboxing when you're going very slowly. Stop and shoeshine and shadowbox every mile for a minute before continuing. Muhammad Ali supposedly ran backwards for miles to practice fighting going back.

Also - since you're shadowboxing and practicing footwork, run at a slow cadence, say enough that you can talk a sentence or two aloud without being out of breath.

I've been running more and more to prepare for a marathon next may. 2 are days 3 - 5 miles, then another long run at the end.

First recorded run in September was 2.3 miles in 30 min

Yesterday I did 8.6 miles in a little over an hour.

It's super addicting and relaxing. I like to run at evening / night after smoking a little after work. Put on the Budos band radio and there you go.

I also bought some Brooks running shoes and are very happy with them.

this is flat out WRONG. exactly the opposite of how one should run. ESPECIALLY for distance. you should be striking the ground with your foot's MIDSOLE, your hips should be tucked forward (as in the moment of 'penetration' - creating a plum line up from your sacrum), keep your back erect up to the shoulder-blades, where you then -have a slight curvature at the neck
-chin tucked down a tad,
-shoulders relaxed, and loose.
-Arms should be relaxed and bent by your side, as if they are in a sling.
-Your thumb and forefinger should be touching together ever so slightly, but not pressed or pinched. imagine there is a potato chip between the two and try not to break it. Tension is your worst friend.

Good, then I'm doing it right!
running is imperative to a boxer and I really don't think it can be replaced, nothing does quite the job it does because it involves the entire body. Biking is ok, swimming I've never really been a fan of but I can't think of any that can top running. If you want to stop for awhile, I'd just recommend biking or other boxing work just to perform a maintenance type of thing. In my mind there is no substitute, not punching bags, not sparring, not nothing.

After I suffered a foot injury I started doing elliptical because it took so long for my foot to heal. I have to say that elliptical is the best substitute but you have to change what's moving the machine and you have to condition your legs with more squats and isometrics.
i hope no one misunderstands me, there are a million things that can give you a workout, i know. some of the labor jobs I have had are way harder than any workout i've ever done, heavy lifting, lifting awkward objects up steps. no time limits when you're finished with a workout means 10 hours or more of moving heavy furniture and boxes, or swinging heavy tools until a ditch is done or what have you. Hard fucking work, makes me see people jogging down the street and think how much easier that is than digging in a hole over your head for hours on end. So, there are a billion grueling things you can do with your body, I just happen to really think running is best for the whole spectrum of your oxygen intake system, you can jog lightly or sprint furiously or anywhere in between. I think a lot of the workout gurus are selling snake oil to some degree, mackie shilstone was the first major fitness guy who had a hand in a major fight, he had Michael Spinks do interval runs, i think 440's but it couldn't have been an improvement on what any experienced fighter did on the road before, fighters always did different paces on their runs, they just didn't quantify them "i'm gonna do a 440". Shilstone did help the sport come to terms with weights, at that time and again in the holyfield era, nearly everyone believed that weights would hurt a boxer. These days there is still some of that sentiment but not nearly as much.
I saw a docu on some mexican indian tribes who ran barefoot on sand and had no problems because they only ran on the front part of their feet. The apache guerilla fighters were known to run up to a hundred miles in a day, i think they only had mocassin like shoes, nothing modern. I also think the food that people got in those days might have been better in some way. I saw an article online where they had pics of indigenous folk from all over the world, and pics of the same tribees eating processed crap, it affected most notably the developement of the skull and teeth, having a diet of roots, berrys, high protein foods seemed to have worked better than all the empty calories we get. I know my teeth are in need of braces, not so with the ole diet.

If your'e doing boxing roadwork, you have to shuffle in your stance forward, backwards, side to side, skipping, bounding, kareokes', and mix in pivots / rolls / shadowboxing when you're going very slowly. Stop and shoeshine and shadowbox every mile for a minute before continuing. Muhammad Ali supposedly ran backwards for miles to practice fighting going back.

Also - since you're shadowboxing and practicing footwork, run at a slow cadence, say enough that you can talk a sentence or two aloud without being out of breath.

I've been running more and more to prepare for a marathon next may. 2 are days 3 - 5 miles, then another long run at the end.

First recorded run in September was 2.3 miles in 30 min

Yesterday I did 8.6 miles in a little over an hour.

It's super addicting and relaxing. I like to run at evening / night after smoking a little after work. Put on the Budos band radio and there you go.

I also bought some Brooks running shoes and are very happy with them.

Good, then I'm doing it right!
yes running can be replaced. Long slow distance cardio is great for hypertrophy for the heart and establishes good cardiac output (how much blood your heart pumps). You need this especially for combat sports. Good aerobic fitness will help you not gas and recover between rounds. Boxers and Muay thai fighters have been doing this since the sport began, why? because it works.

Can it be replaced? Yes. If you want to prevent boredom, change up different machines every10 mins. Spin bikes, ellipitcals, rower, versaclimber, jacobs ladder are good alternatives especially since you can as well get some muscular endurance in there.

to all those who say running is not good for boxing....


conor mcgregor was doing all that stupid shit and he gassed out so fast it was a shame. Just run, for those of you complaining about joint problems, this is going to sound harsh but maybe you shouldn't even train because everything you do comes at a price. One thing I notice is that the younger people seem to injure a lot easier, whether that's due to low pain tolerance or some other issue such as weak tendons and bones I have no clue but it's wierd seeing kids run around in ice packs and crutches playing non-contact sports. As I've said, I've never had problems from running, if anything, all the training, be it running, hitting/kicking the bag, it has just seemed to toughen most of my bones and ligaments, i've taken a lot of nasty falls the kind where I get up and look for bones to be sticking out and i'm fine five minutes later. Some people would end up in the er with some of the spills i've taken.

This. Holy fucking armchair coach thread bro. I bet the people that say roadwork is bad and unnecessary never boxed a day in their lives. Yes, i'm being that guy.
This. Holy fucking armchair coach thread bro. I bet the people that say roadwork is bad and unnecessary never boxed a day in their lives. Yes, i'm being that guy.

Never said running is bad, did I say running is necessary if you're doing all sports specific work (boxing)? Did I say running is a good supplement ontop of sports specific work (boxing)?

Do all boxers run? There are boxers that do and dont. Ofcourse it helps but its not the end of the world if all your conditioning comes from the actual sport itself.

Never did boxing but Ive had 15 smokers for muay thai, and 3 tournaments for bjj. Coach and cornered amateur fighters for muay thai and bjj as well. ive done camps with and without running. Your primary conditioning should come from the sport itself. Drills, more drills, drill so more, sparring ect. Anything added is either more sports specific work or non sports specific work for the overall conditioning.
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Note - Running also trains the mind. I agree it's bad when used on hard surfaces but honestly, nothing can replace it for boxing purposes. It does a hell of a lot more than cardio.

But if your knees are suffering, stop and replace it with something else.
Just pay for private lessons for pad work mix technique with lung training