Candidates Protestors/Supporters Thread 2.0

I know you're just trolling to team build, but I'll just leave this here anyhow:
Susan Rice’s Personality 'Disorder'
Brusque. Aggressive. Undiplomatic. The adjectives used to describe the ambassador aren’t kind. Lloyd Grove on Susan Rice’s polarizing temperament—and why that may matter more than Benghazi.

Don't trust this guy's summary:

"This town is kind of crazy,” says a White House aide. “There is something going on in which these stories are feeding one another and sensing blood in the water and piling on, one after the other."

Vietor says: “I think what it shows you is how absurd our public discourse can be at times ... Those of us who have worked in the White House with Susan, or on the campaign before that, know her as someone who is kind and funny and a pleasure to work with. She was willing to talk to the most senior people or the lowest person on the totem pole. We’re lucky to have her.”


“It has been vicious,” says a Rice loyalist who spoke on condition of anonymity. “There is a strain of sexism in the attacks. She is being described as ‘screeching,’ not simply ‘blunt.’ They never talked that way about Richard Holbrooke.”


If Rice is not especially popular at the U.N., it’s largely because many of her fellow ambassadors are "old white men with strong personalities" and "it is off-putting to them that she's a young African-American woman."


“There's a status quo bias across the system, and Susan is not a champion of the status quo if people are hurting,” Power says. “She's always willing to take a tool out of the toolbox and challenge assumptions and not let conventional wisdom cause us to drift from one meeting to the next. She shakes things up, for sure, but she's also phenomenal at building alliances and cultivating relationships … She's not snobby about who she engages with. If there's something she thinks needs doing in the world, she will find the person who is the doer."

Power adds: “Susan brings a very distinct perspective and very assertive presence and voice. She's going to ruffle feathers.”

So, yeah, of course lots of people are going to say that kind of thing about an extraordinarily intelligent member of a minority group, but other people are going to notice it being said and reflect on what it means.

BTW, classic line from that second one:

Glenn Beck defended the comment, saying on Imus' radio show, "Uppity? You don't think she's a little snotty? Really? Really? Miss Arugula? Come on!" (Arugula is a type of lettuce that is offensive to some conservatives.)

I'm not really going to comment on him being racist or not. As it stands, he has not given me any reason to think that he is. I know you have a long lasting feud with him, so you are probably a lot more familiar with his posting than me, but from what I have gathered he just seems to have an irrational hatred towards Clinton, and a bizarre political position (from Paul to Sanders). I'm just going to leave you two to it, I think.

Guy's just a bit of a loon, like SOA, but much nastier.
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