Cheesier 90s monster film: lake placid or anaconda?


Steel Belt
Jun 10, 2016
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Yeah I know lake placid is supposed to be a spoof, but still. What were the gators like 5 times the size?

Anaconda had Latino Jon Voight. Not gonna lie I used to rent this on vhs.

Btw the cast: Jon Voight, Jennifer Lopez, ice cube, Owen Wilson, Danny trejo.

That cast today is insane. When the film came out ice cube wasn't the movie star he turned into and Wilson was basically unknown.
Anaconda had Kari Wuhrer in it too


Anaconda via clunge
Ah the 90s. All the jaws videos in a row at the local video store, then anaconda and lake placid when you want some giant snakes or crocs to go with it. Was awesome.
I still want to see a gator eat a cow, so Lake Placid.
I still want to see a gator eat a cow, so Lake Placid.

You had two picks between three options, a gator; a cow; Betty White.
You still chose wrongly why you should prefer Lake Placid.

Betty White brother.. Betty White.

Lake Placid was the better movie.
My anacaonda don't want none unless you got buns hun.

Let's see lake placid do that
Anaconda had Kari Wuhrer in it too


Anaconda via clunge
First thing I thought of honestly, quite the feat to make J-Lo the 2nd hottest actress in the film.

Anaconda definitely had the hotter actresses but Lake Placid was probably the better movie. Too bad we don''t have more movies like these nowadays. Now its all capeshit and remakes. We should be due for an Anaconda remake though shouldn't we?
they got snakes out there this big???

PS prime J-LO ass.
Anaconda was definitely cheesier, and crappier. Lake Placid, while not great and pretty simple, was an enjoyable movie. I liked it, and would watch it again. I'd rather not watch anaconda again haha
Anaconda for getting to second base for the first time on the way home
Anaconda was such a better movie than Lake Placid.
I preferred Anaconda. Probably had more cheesier moments but it was a more effective movie.