Clinch fighting

For every great example of clinch work you can find, you can find a hundred other examples of fighters losing position after trying to get a MT clinch. I just cringe every time I see someone attempting it. In the failed instances, at best it's a waste of time and it gets shucked off, at worst it could cost you the round via a TD, or even the fight.

I don't think it's a critical skill. If it's super intriguing for a particular fighter and it comes easily to their fighting style, great. If it's not something that almost immediately is useful for you, I'd just do some more wrestling.

I think thats less a case of it not working well, and more a case of them just not knowing how positioning works - admittedly though I do come from a muay thai background so when I do MMA I can immediately put it to work, but I don't think I can remember any examples of someone going for muay thai style clinches and losing position badly

This is what happens when you introduce real Thai style clinch work to MMA.

110% she's not the only one either!
clinch and knee is the most underutilized, overlooked, technique in mma. It also happens to be one of the strongest and effective techniques in striking. It opens you up for takedowns, so you need to learn the clinch for mma.