CM Punk vs Ken Shamrock in Bellator


Blue Belt
Dec 31, 2017
Reaction score
Now that CM Punk has had his run in the UFC, and will most likely never return for another fight, this seems like a golden opportunity for Bellator to swoop in and set this match up. CM Punk could finally get his first W and against a well-known name. They could feed him some cans to build his record up and cash in on his WWE following. So what say you Sherdog? Should Coker make the deal?
This is so absolutely ridiculous that Scott Coker might even do it.
Cm punk would still lose even if bellator fix the fight
In all honesty even in his completely broken down state Ken Shamrock would beat CM Punk without much effort.
Already assumed he'd go to bellator and get another couple fat checks. Coker could get some pro-wrasslin turned mma league going. I'd watch

Edit* probably cuz I'm baked but now I'm thinking way to much into this.
There's plenty of pro wrestlers who said they wanna fight punk. Get this tournament going
Already assumed he'd go to bellator and get another couple fat checks. Coker could get some pro-wrasslin turned mma league going. I'd watch

Me too. I just like to watch people fight. Yes it's better to see the highly skilled do it, but I still have a blast when I go to regional MMA shows. Around 1994 when I was in the 8th grade some friends and I started renting the UFC VHS tapes. Maybe it's because I can remember that as there were a lot of unskilled fighters back then, but I still thought it was awesome to watch.
A sad, crippled, old, punch drunk, zombie shamrock would still submit him. Thats how bad punk sucks
Ancient Ken would rip CM Punk's leg off. There is absolutely no danger whatsoever to fighting CM Punk.
Remember that time when Shamrock and Severn were the most feared men on the active WWF roster.