CM Punk vs. Nick Newel


Brown Belt
Oct 6, 2017
Reaction score
I watched a couple of fights; Nick is gritty and skilled - he would probably win with ease.

Dana is hesitant to sign Newel because of his handicap, but how about a catch-weight scrap
against Punk? A one-time money grab and Nick gets his chance.

Would you want to see this?


In the end I only see Punk raising his hands in the air
Newell would ruin Punk.
Fight shouldn't even be made for Punk's safety
Newell is pretty good he would fuck up Punk & Jackson. He'd be pretty damned good if he had a full arm.
Lol he would ruin CM Punk. Then CM Punk would be known by the guy who lost to a guy with one arm. And if Punk wins. He beat a guy with 1 arm. Lose/lose for Punk.
Newel would push his shit in...

Newel is a top 10 fighter by any league's standards.
Newel would beat Phil with one arm tied behind his back, not his stump arm either.
Interesting replies thus far. One arm handicap and weight advantage still leaves Philly Brooks in the dust.

I tend to agree; but I'd pay to see this. Do it Dana,
Newell via whatever he wants. CM Punk shouldn't even be fighting.

Newel vs Punk would have been a good fight to use punk to promote Newel. Probably would have brought in even more casuals. Punk made Mickey Gall somewhat of a name off of nothing could have helped Newel similarly. IDK why Jackson was the opponent maybe they were banking on Punk winning lol
Yes and no. Yes, because I like freakshow fights. No, because Newell is a good fighter and it would make him look like a joke no matter who won.
Ground and stumpy pound..
Punk would get hammered
I've trained with newel he is a really really good grappler. The way punk looked on the ground with Mike Jackson he wouldn't stand a chance in hell vs Nick. He is coached by a Marcelo black belt and has wrestled his whole life

Give Newell a fake leg and I still think he beats Punk.