Communism was the most evil ideology of the XX century by a long shot.


Plutonium Belt
Jul 19, 2010
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And by communism i mean the soviet, applied variety, not marxist theory.

People cry a lot about Islam and how it is so dangerous, but in reality Islam at most causes people to commit inconsequential acts that dont threaten the entire world, as opposed to communism which caused the world humanitarian disasters of all time. Why do i think its particularly evil? as opposed to say nazism?

Well for once Nazism never hid its intentions and its was a supremacist movement that called for a particular people to expand forever and over others, which of course generated a lot of pushback from other nations.

But communism is the story of Hanzel and Gretel given to a nation, its a system that promises heaven and brings out hell.

"Doesnt matter if we go around naked, doesnt matters if we dont even have anything to eat, what its important is to save the revolution".

That was a speech that Chavez gave over a decade ago, he certainly knew where he was taking the country to.
Capatalism was the most evil ideology, still is, but also much better to the world than communism.

Basically greed is put ahead of people's well doesn't matter how badly you rip off somebody, along as you can do profit.... Look all around the world and you get horrible capitalistic examples, where poor people get the worst of it...from child labor to slavery to cutting corners which leads to people's death..also lets no forget capitalistic corporations ruining countries like United fruit just a pure "me" mentality ideology.

Now has it benifited the world? Hell yeah...Rapid advancements, more tech/money for parts of the world that have been forgotten.

However the ideology by itself is pure evil.
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Im no expert on USSR history but it seemed like the leaders were evil, not the ideology.

The ideology failed as a means to support the citizens, and it was the leaders doubling down that led to mass starvation.

Nazis were committed to genocide from the onset.
Inb4 trostky educates everyone on why the standard definitions for communists and nazis aren't actually correct.
That is one thing that irks me. Some muppet can go around promoting communism and doesn't get anywhere the amount of backlash they deserve
Here is the real and most important lesson of totalitarian pseudo-communism:

The smaller the circle of people controlling the majority of a nation's wealth, the greater the suffering and subjugation of the populace.
I think Peterson had a great analogy when he compared fascism to the thief that stabs you in the front, and communism to the thief who befriends you and then stabs you in the back. That's what makes communism more predatory, it hides under the cloak of "good intentions".
I wouldn't say it was more evil than fascism or theocracy, but it certainly was responsible for a lot more deaths.
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I think the fate of the "Communist movement" was sealed when it overlapped with Russian nihilist movements, embodied by Stalin (and later adhered to by the likes of Mao and Pol Pot). To nihilist ideologues, the revolution itself was the end goal, compassionate causes merely being used as devices to rally desperate people into rebellion. Thus, preserving the revolutionary state at the expense of these so-called compassionate causes, was no great compromise, once the revolution had been achieved.

Mao once made the argument that the spirit of the revolution would begin to decay if the people became too comfortable (apparently this did not concern himself or his cronies who lived lavishly).

It's pretty much the same deal with "National socialism", which came to be influenced by various radical German ideologies, that have come to define the ideology far more so than any economic/political principles. It is pretty much a dirty word now, and inseparable from anti-Semitism, militarism, reactionary stances, even though there may politically be some merit to a more "conservative" and nationally-minded alternative to mainstream socialism (which today tends to be defined by internationalist and left-wing perspectives).

You can't hope to separate the rotten elements from the origin ideology at this point, so it's best to just move on, and leave Communism and Nazism to gather the dust.
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Not that I disagree on the Soviet part by why sell China and the Khmer Rouge short?
USSR wasn't perfect, but at least one class didn't oppress the other. Just like Marx envisioned.
And by communism i mean the soviet, applied variety, not marxist theory.

People cry a lot about Islam and how it is so dangerous, but in reality Islam at most causes people to commit inconsequential acts that dont threaten the entire world, as opposed to communism which caused the world humanitarian disasters of all time. Why do i think its particularly evil? as opposed to say nazism?

Well for once Nazism never hid its intentions and its was a supremacist movement that called for a particular people to expand forever and over others, which of course generated a lot of pushback from other nations.

But communism is the story of Hanzel and Gretel given to a nation, its a system that promises heaven and brings out hell.

"Doesnt matter if we go around naked, doesnt matters if we dont even have anything to eat, what its important is to save the revolution".

That was a speech that Chavez gave over a decade ago, he certainly knew where he was taking the country to.

I don't know, democracy was a pretty evil ideology as well.
If you look at the crimes committed by the British and French empire.
They are not far behind the Soviets. They certainly have the Nazi beat in horribleness.
I am not sure they could be covered under the ideological term democracy maybe more imperialism?
We all deserve the share the fruits of our collective labours, and to rise above the hardships of our ancestors. Sharing the wealth of mankind is noble. Stalinism is more a sad tale of the perversion which happens when we do not guard ourselves against evil men. All systems of government are susceptible to such evils.
I think Peterson had a great analogy when he compared fascism to the thief that stabs you in the front, and communism to the thief who befriends you and then stabs you in the back. That's what makes communism more predatory, it hides under the cloak of "good intentions".

Well facism in Germany certainly hid under that cloak to its own population.
Something else is coming for communisms "most dangerous" crown.
Communism will never even remotely work ever

People are inherently greedy, the people that lead the so called proletariat on the revolution will NEVER just give up power voluntarily. Then if take it from them, whomever took it is now running things....

IMO the closest it's ever came to actual existence on a national level (so not a commune) is Tito's Yugoslavia