Cop Hating Liar Michael Bennett Compares Jerry Jones To A Slave Owner

I don't recall Slaves making multi millions in the cotton field...
Has Bennett apologized for fabricating much of his Vegas incident?

I'm torn, because I live in Seattle...and he's a fantastic player...and I want to support him...and I understand that AAs still face a great many obstacles in this country...

but there is no excuse for this blatant lies and exaggerations about his treatment by the police in Vegas.
Live in Washington as well.

Comes down to, great player huge idiot.

Ok, great. They can kneel without punishment. Now what's the next step?

1. Kneel for the anthem
2. Get everyone's attention
3. ????

The movement needs someone to take it to the next level to actually work on the issues. What's the next step and how do they plan on achieving these goals? Get a plan laid out. I have yet to hear one of these athletes say something along the lines of go out and vote so you can get the people in office that will represent their views through policy.
By now, everybody knows the reason they're kneeling. Go out and do something about it. Kap started doing this over a year ago, they're starting to lose people's attention.
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which part of my statement is untrue or even mildly exaggerated?

He didn't call your post inflammatory. Your answer makes no sense.

He asked what is inflammatory about a true thread title.
Of course, there is always another reason.

No, it's always racism.

The Jew makes sure to keep the American black man down but lets Asians, Indians and Africans get the most out of the opportunity provided in America.

Sammypops with another brilliant line of reasoning.
Of course, there is always another reason.

Why don't the players get together and buy a team or more after retirement.

They would have the money and investors to do it.

You know rich people get together and buy things like that, that's how it's done.

Or maybe they don't want to risk their money and have the hassle.
whites and jew's owners make billion off the black man in pro sports, so not slaves but certainly exploitative.

I never understand why black americans do not fix this and run their own league, blackk owners and execs

Because when you're making millions it's hard to care that someone else is making more millions.
pretty sure its more like any fucking workplace that sets rules of what you can and cant do at work.

you are free to do whatever you want on your free time, if you dont like the terms of your employment, you can leave and do whatever you want 24/7

thats a big fucking difference between that and being property

It's so fucking simple... The biggest reasons these guys think they can do this shit is because of how much money they make. None of these athletes would be protesting at Walmart by refusing to gather carts and kneeling.
Someone cant read.

Also once again, calm down big boi...
no reason u should be this upset.

N no. Hes not as bad as women who make false rape allegations.


Well he did make false accusations that could cost someone their job and livelihood. Someone who is far less well off than he is. I’d agree it’s not quite as bad, but there are some parallels there.
It's amazing how offended people get over an athletes opinion.

It's amazing how offended people get over black people's opinions period.

I don't think anybody is offended, but it's definitely worth mentioning. If you don't see a problem with a famous millionaire faking oppression I don't know what to tell you.

For one thing it's very disrespectful to African American culture. Comparing a political disagreement between an employer and an employee to slavery (especially those in the top 1% of the income bracket) is very disrespectful to the people of yesterday that in fact went through such an atrocity.

For another, all of the ludicrous statements from high profile people like this do is create tension and give ammo to the fuck-tards that are actually racist. Anybody who is an advocate of civil rights needs to recognize that toxic behavior like this should warrant a discussion
I don't think anybody is offended, but it's definitely worth mentioning. If you don't see a problem with a famous millionaire faking oppression I don't know what to tell you.

For one thing it's very disrespectful to African American culture. Comparing a political disagreement between an employer and an employee to slavery (especially those in the top 1% of the income bracket) is very disrespectful to the people of yesterday that in fact went through such an atrocity.

For another, all of the ludicrous statements from high profile people like this do is create tension and give ammo to the fuck-tards that are actually racist. Anybody who is an advocate of civil rights needs to recognize that toxic behavior like this should warrant a discussion

Look at all the useful idiots in here supporting their own employers ability to control their speech.

Fucking pathetic.

I don't care if you agree with him, your calling for him to be silenced is shameful.

Cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck........

He has free speech. What the fuck are you talking about? Maybe his boss doesn't want him to use his business to promote ignorant ideas that cost the business money?

If you start spouting off at work to make life hell for your boss, don't you think something would be done?
Well he did make false accusations that could cost someone their job and livelihood. Someone who is far less well off than he is. I’d agree it’s not quite as bad, but there are some parallels there.
Full video was never released. Only an edited version.

So the "lie" he told has not been proven.

Not a parallel. Also rarely does a cop lose their job these days. So..meh