Cruz was almost openly hostile towards Rogan tonight

Cruz does this because he is an insecure bitch and nothing to it.

Watch his interviews and embeddeds, he is an anti social fake. I couldn't give less fucks having an autistic analyst on commentating. Joe's knowledge is more than enough.

The last thing I would call Cruz is insecure. Watch the UFC 207 post fight.

The last thing I would call Cruz is insecure. Watch the UFC 207 post fight.

Poor guy was so lost he couldn't sit down. You can rest assured this was a charade after it was confirmed by his continued attitude and disrespect towards the other team. I already tols you, he acts like this when he lost but look how cocky he acts and unsportmanlike when he wins. He gave some silly excuse "I am always on my feet" but you can see he had those dark glasses on because he is under tremendous pressure now. Logical thing to do is to sit down but he is not thinking at that moment and stands there waiting for it to be over, standing there so he could get a quick start when it's over.