Crying is not socially acceptable?

i've been asked this a few times lately...

my kid asks if i ever cried cause i never have in front of him. He associates crying with physical pain though he's still young. He was kayaking off the lake over the summer and he was like a hundred yards out and i decided to swim out to the kayak. Had my head down in the water trying to get out there quickly when i ran right into the front of the kayak. Rocked me a bit , and i didn't know what i hit. So i scrambled to climb on the front of the kayak to catch my bearings. I looked at my kid and he instantly started freaking out and crying..and i look down and i'm bleeding like crazy. Completely drenched in blood. So i had to put the dad face on and he say, 'hey it's all good, dont worry about it this is nothing..' in the back of my head i'm thinking dang how bad is this cut lol. Turned out it wasn't that bad just split my head open a bit. That's probably why he thinks i don't cry.

and lately the girl i'm seeing asked the same thing. They both Said they can't imagine me crying- but i do i definitely do it in private though. Guess its just how i was raised to not show emotions in front of people unless it's anger...and even then i don't like doing that. But i haven't cried from physical pain since i was a little kid but i cry when family/friends die.

I do have to admit....Only The Brave movie almost got me...that was a sad one hahah.