Dating girls in their 30s

Haha, good ol can opener and elbow to the face got you outta there when she tried to lock you up huh
rampage slam
I’m too old to date chicks in their 30’s. Sigh.
Dude you it's the same for you. Why haven't you gotten married? At this point you'll be dating weirdos or divorcees
ILet's be clear on this as well. There is not the same timeline for men and women to have kids. I can still be pretty choosy and could, biologically, fuck around for like 20 more years and still have a family.

But you probably shouldn't. Just like it becomes more of a risk for women to bear children when approaching their forties and beyond, the same goes for the quality of mens' sperm. Your chance of genetic issues only goes up.
I'm glad I'm married and don't have to worry about dating anymore.
A mans sperm quality will decay overtime to an extent, but nowhere near to the extent that a womans does. A womans fertility has already begun to decline when she's 20 years old.

A man can pretty easily still have healthy children in his 50's if he has taken care of himself and has good genes, namely genes for longevity: long telomeres.

A woman in her early to mid 30's on the otherhand even if she is healthy will have low quality eggs.
You guys must move in the wrong crowds, because my place of work is full of women in their 30'ies who look great, are nice and sensible and are also fun to party with. If I wasn't married there are at least 3 or 4 women there I'd happily go out with.

My wife is 35 and looks beautiful. Maybe the premature ageing is an American thing?
I agree with you on that.

But I think he should question why he keeps questioning his worthiness. Maybe it's an expecting to fail thing, if she breaks up he can always say "yeah, but I knew I wasn't worthy". I don't think it's healthy and related to low self esteem. He should realize that when she is there, choosing to be with him, that means she do find him worthy. Same goes if he is there for her, they find each other worthy.

Man, have you ever been in a long term relationship? I've been with my wife 14 years and I still feel lucky to have her and vice versa. Appreciating the other person is the foundation of happiness. Over analyzing all your feelings and fighting for status is the road straight to despair.
Man, have you ever been in a long term relationship? I've been with my wife 14 years and I still feel lucky to have her and vice versa. Appreciating the other person is the foundation of happiness. Over analyzing all your feelings and fighting for status is the road straight to despair.
Man, women are seriously impossible for long-term relationships. If you have it, good for you, but it is a full-time job where you have to do a lot of maneuvering.
I am mostly LOL at the Sherbro's that says they are XX years old but can easily pass for 10 -20 years younger, in this thread. The delusion is strong.
Oh so I wasn’t the only one amused by that
Man, have you ever been in a long term relationship? I've been with my wife 14 years and I still feel lucky to have her and vice versa. Appreciating the other person is the foundation of happiness. Over analyzing all your feelings and fighting for status is the road straight to despair.

I don't know what this discussion is about anymore. What I tried to say was not that he should "fight" for superior status. I tried to say he should just drop the "I'm not worthy" stuff. Because he, and she being together proves they view each-other as worthy (equals). That's not fighting over status, that's realizing facts and moving on from constant feeding yourself with negativity.

I'm glad that the relationship is working out for you.
Im in my mid 30s and divorced. Tried dating some gals in their 30s, was a complete disaster. Either single mothers looking for a new daddy, or soon-to-be spinsters taking one last stab at a relationship before getting 4 cats and taking up knitting.

Now Im dating someone 12 years my junior akd having a blast. To hell with women in their 30s, not worth thw trouble.
I'm not opposed to having kids. In fact I'd like to at some point, but let's slow it down with making that job 1. I'd like a feeling out process with the woman first where I can have some confidence she'd be a good mother before I start chucking babies up in her. They go out with me like 3 or 4 times and decide "he'll do".

Let's be clear on this as well. There is not the same timeline for men and women to have kids. I can still be pretty choosy and could, biologically, fuck around for like 20 more years and still have a family.

You could have kids at 55, but you better be rich.
Anybody else dated around with chicks in their 30s? I'm starting to notice that girls in their 30s either already have someone else's kid, which is deep in the no-go zone for me, or are in the back half of their child-bearing years and put a rush order on it now that their time is running out. I dated a 32 year old for just 3-4 months who had a fake "pregnancy scare" just to test my reaction when I knew damn well she wasn't due for her period for another like 10 days. Another chick tried to wrap her legs around super tight so I couldn't pull out. Joke's on her cause I BJJ'd my way out of that trap, and current chick was joking around this week about making genetically perfect kids with me, and I got the impression that she wasn't entirely kidding.

Has anybody on here ever had any success dating chicks in their 30s, or is the whole thing just a series of problems?

I fucking died at this.
Wow. My girlfriend is 52. The same age as myself. She is beautiful and sweet and I am deeply in love. I feel I lucked out. So don't generalize and keep looking and you will be surprised one day.