Good enough...can't argue.
Haney and Burgos will put on a less sloppy showing.
Burgos was a pretty good fighter who was robbed of a world title. That was several years ago, though. It'll be interesting to see what he has now.
Small ring tonight.
20-18 Haney. Both were close rounds. Burgos is clearly game.
Haney has made the error of thinking that Burgos is your average pressure fighter. He's actually more a boxer.
30-27 Haney. Nice round for him.
Haney did the right thing by taking the fight to Burgos.
No point scoring at this point.
Wide win for Haney. He's pretty damn impressive for a 19 year old. Obviously not a natural puncher, though.
Wide win for Haney. He's pretty damn impressive for a 19 year old. Obviously not a natural puncher, though.
Some more body punching might help his cause, but he just ain't a puncher. Nothing wrong with it.

Mikey Garcia couldn't put this guy away, so no shock Haney failed to.
Some more body punching might help his cause, but he just ain't a puncher. Nothing wrong with it.

Mikey Garcia couldn't put this guy away, so no shock Haney failed to.

No doubt. Plenty of ATGs weren't punchers. You're right about Burgos being plenty durable. Garcia didn't even really get that close to stopping Burgos, either.