Disturbing trend in US: more young girls are being admitted in hospitals for self harm

Personally I think that internet/social media/smartphone addiction is a huge part of what's driving this increase. I think that going through puberty and adolescence as a girl has probably always been incredibly rough and just a total mindfuck, I mean it was for us boys so I think it's just a lot worse for them. When I was growing up we were told that a big part of what was giving girls eating disorders and anxiety was all the images they get bombarded with in the media. So think about now, multiply that shit by a million. They have the internet in their pocket and so many of them are glued to it all the time, absorbing toxic shit, rating people and being rated, etc. I think it's extremely unhealthy and combined with the changes their bodies are going through their minds can just get fucked and they will be wracked with anxiety. The cutting and the eating disorders and all the other self-harming are just manifestations of that.

There are teen girls now wanting to get labiaplasty because of what they've seen in porn and there's also teen girls wanting to get mastectomies because they believe that they're really boys or "non-binary". We live in fucked up times and it's important to spend the quality time with your kids especially your daughters so they don't get sucked into any of this shit.
This is a terrible post. You have no fucking idea how women view themselves. I'm sorry you're unlovable, but you shouldn't let that make you a sexist asshole.

Bitch fucking please. You're the one whose wife found him so inadequate she left his ass for a gimp.
What do you think is the cause for the increase in more young girls being admitted into hospitals for self harm?

Social media - either being bullied or seeing others having a good time and feel like missing out?

A call for attention?

Feeling like there is too much chaos around them from broken family or pressure to get into good college or whatever else and the physical pain is easier to deal with?

Attention. The rest has always been around.
But you've never been able to get so much attention from it.
Still behind men successful completion of suicide attempts?
They really need to up their game if we're ever going to have an equal world.
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I started cutting/burning/ other self harm methods at 12.

For a short time, around the right people, I think it was a good way for me to get the attention that I needed. I grew up being taught that expressing emotions was bad, as was talking about anything that was bothering you. You just didn’t do it. So after I got put into a program for fucked up kids, if I came in the next day with cuts all over my arms one of the adults would take me aside and ask what was wrong, and talk to me. Even if I still couldn’t open up, it was nice just having somebody to talk to me in a positive way.

For the most part though, it was something I used to suppress emotions. Cutting instead of getting angry or upset and crying. I just couldn’t allow myself to be seen like that. Weak, or vulnerable yanno? Lol. But I only cut in visible areas for two years.

Since then I’ve been cutting in other areas, legs mostly. So I no longer get attention for it and haven’t in years (I’m 26 now). And I’ve still been using it to suppress emotions. Which I realized not long ago has been really fucking up my mind. I don’t process emotions like regular people do. I can’t handle even the most minor of negative things without needing to cut to deal with them. I decided last month to start working towards stopping.

Anyways, I think the largest causes for cutting are being raised in bad environments or with poor parenting. Also being young and exposed to it. Just growing up I had a lot of girls come to me saying they tried it because they knew I had done it (by seeing my arms). But I’ve known A LOT of self harmers and the reasons vary greatly from each one. But none of them had that good of parents either.

At the time I had started cutting my psychologist told me it was an increasing issue amongst young people. Not surprising that it’s only getting worse.
Kardashians sorry to hear that if you aren't trolling.

It sounds like it is a coping mechanism for a lot of people to deal with emotions that kids/people aren't able to handle. Hope you can break away from it and use some other coping mechanism. Easier said than done.

I suppose it is like any type of addiction where once someone feels those emotions the inner demons mess with your head and want you to return to the addiction. And your brain drives you for whatever reason to put you in the same situation (maybe with different people but same dynamic where you will feel the same emotion and hope this time it will be different.
kids should not be using social media, and or unfiltered internet. Young minds are fragile.

With great power comes great responsibility-Ben Parker
Must all be the patriarchies fault and boys on social media!! Couldn't possibly have anything to do with pop culture influencing youth to be vapd and shallow people.
This is probably taking things too far but maybe we should ask them?
self harm like suicide attempts, or cutting?

I have noticed this to be a much more common thing, or at least it's DISCUSSED more openly now (could just be that).

This probably has some relation to whatever is also increasing societal pressure for Incels, and Mass Shooters and the like. We are in such an advanced time technologically, it seems that SM usage has somewhat resulted in people not relating to actual society and real world interactions. People have less empathy and sympathy, and others don't know how to respond or deal w/ it. I don't know, it's clearly a complicated issue. I'm sure funding for mental health services plays some part as well, along w/ SSRIs
You’re right. I blame make up culture and small dogs.
Even when I had no idea what I was talking about, I knew it was the small dogs. Oh, and not being barefoot and pregnant. That shit makes women insane.
My theory is there are more shitty people, incapable of being good parents, having kids.

I have daughters and I coach their sports teams. Because of this I have gotten to know hundreds of young women over the last 10 years. Not only do I get to know the girls, but also their parents. I've definitely coached girls that cut themselves (I saw the marks and asked them about it), and I'm familiar with a few that have attempted suicide years after I coached them. In every case that I remember, the girl's parents were troubled.

This is just an anecdote but I remember one girl in particular that would cut her thighs with razors, and later attempted suicide. She came from a very broken home. Her dad was/is in prison and her mom was in rehab for drug addiction. The girl was being raised by her grandmother and uncle. I never got to know the grandmother but the uncle was a decent guy and seemed to try very hard. I don't know why I'm sharing this with you assholes o_O but this kid was so f'd up that anytime I tried to coach her up, she'd break down, cry and reach out for a hug. Here I was a grown ass man with a 14 year old girl trying to hug me on the lacrosse field. :eek:
It was so uncomfortable but I tried to be a positive force in her life.
"Why is there an epidemic of young girls self-harming?"

"Because they're fucking sluts."

I would surmise that these people are harming themselves because of how our society is downgrading itself in a way. Our society seeks to make people absent pain or discomfort, when in reality, pain and discomfort are bridges to growth in so many cases, and really show you that you are indeed alive, and tougher than you thought. It would seem that in a hermetic bubble of protection, these people are trying to rediscover this impulse, even in a wrongheaded way.