DO you play one game at a time or more?

Drain Bamage

Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
How do you guys handle all the games that you want to play?

Seems my backlog just gets bigger and bigger. I try to focus on one single player game at a time, and ill have 1 or two other side games or multiplayer games ill play.
Whatever my current single player game is when I want to be solo (Primal Far Cry).

Then I go back and forth from pubg and bf1 when I want to play nice with others.
My attention span won't allow multiple games. I also don't get how people can buy multiple games and let them sit unplayed. I have a good radar for what games I think will be worth my time and buy them one at a time.
One game per main system i use at the minute
This week alone I've played PUBG, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Golf with your friends and Rust.
Typically one main competitive multiplayer game interspersed with play on more casual games that sit well (ex. Stardew Valley) or games that lend themselves to one-off casual MP play (ex. Rocket League). On urges I tend to throw in emulated play of old classics from the "must experience" heap that never dies, or try out more casual mobile games that aren't lame (ex. Reigns, Words with Friends, chess puzzle apps, etc).

As I've gotten older it's gotten tougher and tougher to get into the more hardcore, dedicated SP narrative-rich games at the same time I'm playing something that requires 2+ hrs/day practice just not to get run over by all the kids with their goddamn fresh-as-a-baby reaction times and decision-making processes. It's ironic because all those years on the blacktops when I was younger I never once thought that video games were something where it would similarly be appropriate to stop and think, "Okay, remind yourself to enjoy this, because it won't last, and all the straight-shooting curmudgeons have told you how much that is going to suck."
I've only ever done it with Ryse and Far Cry Primal since they both have the greatest graphics in history
Depends what games they are playing Fallout 4 and Monster Hunter is too bad but trying to play Destiny 2 with the Division or Warframe screws with my button input.
I'm all over the place. Just today I went from Kingdom Come Deliverance to Prop Hunt in COD: WWII to Squads in PUBG and finished off with Pro Clubs in FIFA 18. KCD I played for 6 hours, then I played the other three in a span of 5 hours.

I like playing solo, but if I have friends online...I team up with them in a game. This is probably why I have such a large backlog. Sales don't help either. I purchased Horizon 3 on sale last week and still haven't even fired it up yet.
I always like to have one jrpg on the go then an action game and maybe a multiplayer or fighting game.. switch between a few games depending on what I feel like.

I played 3 different games last night.
I usually have 2/3.

I usually have an online FPS which is my main and then something single player I can grind when I don't want to go online.

Right now I'm mainly playing PUBG with a quick session of cuphead at the end when I just want to finish my beer but not hop back into another match.
I was playing starcraft 2 as well but I kind of burned out on that midway through the second campaign, I can't even remember which race that is.
I'll play one single player game at a time and might play a multiplayer one during the process of completing it.
One single player and one to two multiplayer at a time.

Occasionally I’ll take a hiatus on a single player game, to play something else, like late last January I stopped my playthrough of Xcom 2 on my PS4 because I finally picked up an elusive NES classic and proceeded to exclusively play that for the next two months.
I usually have have one long term RPG going, then something I can blast through in like 10 hours, and then some games that are permanently installed like Football Manager and Euro Truck
Right now I'm playing 3. Super Mario Odyssey, Hearts of Iron IV and Kerbal Space Program. Sort of depends on how I'm feeling on any particular night, how much time I'm going to have etc.

Just "beat" Mario the other night but there's still a ton of stuff to do in the game so it'll probably stay in the rotation. I actually still haven't defeated Ganon in Breath of the Wild either. I still have about 20 shrines I need to find. Should just do that sometime soon.
I try to, but it always breaks down to me playing only one after a short period of time. Especially with competitive games. Trying to learn a nuanced fighter or rts alongside, say, Bloodborne, is simply impossible for me as I get older.
I tend to have multiple games I play. I'll focus on one for a few weeks and switch it up to something else for a little bit. Currently I'm working on Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption, and Shadowrun Hong Kong. I also have American Truck Simulator for times when I just zone out and want to listen to an audiobook. Also have some coop games that me and my wife will play when the rare times happen we have some free time.
I generally play one or two. One online and one single player.
For years I only played 1 maybe 2 games but now I play cs, squad, fortnite, lol, and pubg plus other random indie games here and there. I used to be a solid cs and Dota player but playing several games now probably explains why I'm decent at all of those but not great.